Stroke What is a stroke? A stroke happens when the supply of blood to part of the brain is suddenly interrupted, or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts, spilling blood into the spaces surrounding the nerve cells. There are two types of stroke: ischemic and hemorrhagic. Ischemia is a word used to explain the oxygen and nutrient loss when there is inadequate blood flow. Hemorrhagic strokes involve bleeding in the brain.
How do You get it? Common Risk Factors High blood pressure Common Risk Factors High blood pressure Eating foods that are not “heart-healthy” Not managing diabetes Smoking High cholesterol Obesity Drinking large amounts of alcohol
Signs & Symptoms Sudden weakness or numbness in the face, arm, or leg on one side of the body Abrupt loss of vision, strength, coordination, sensation, speech, or ability to understand speech (worse over time) Sudden dimness of vision especially in one eye Sudden loss of balance with vomiting, nausea, hiccups, etc. Sudden and severe headache Loss of consciousness Unexplained dizziness or sudden falls
Treatment Ischemic Stroke Clot dissolving medicine Ischemic Stroke Clot dissolving medicine Aspirin or antiplatelet medicine Clot can be removed with a medical device Hemorrhagic Stroke Surgery Medicines to control blood pressure and brain swelling
Side effects to treatment Medication – aspirin- stomach ulcers - Nausea Clot dissolving Drugs- low blood pressure - signs of blood from other sites (urine, stool, etc.) - nausea and vomiting Surgery - dizziness - fatigue - headache - Diarrhea - pain
Prevention To prevent a stroke, lifestyle changes such as the following are necessary: Eating healthy (Low carbs and saturated fats) Exercising daily (At least 30 minutes) Controlling high blood pressure Avoid harmful drugs Get enough sleep Is it hereditary? Your stroke risk may be higher if a parent, sibling, or any relative has had a stroke. Some strokes are symptoms of genetic disorders such as casdil (Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Sub-cortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy), which is a disease caused by a gene mutation. Children of parents with genetic disorders have a greater risk for stroke. FAMILIES WITH YOUNG WHITE WOMEN ALSO HAVE A HIGHER CHANCE. African AMERICANS HAVE A HIGHER RISK OF STROKE ACCORDING TO A STUDY CONDUCTED IN 2001.
Facts Over 500,000 people survive strokes each year. There are about 2.5 million disabled Stroke survivors in the United States. There is a ten percent risk of stroke for obese people who are 20% over standard weight. 11 Million People Suffer from silent strokes (No symptoms present, Patient is typically unaware) each year.
Facts Spot a stroke fast F- face drooping A- arm weakness S- speech difficulty T- Time to call 9-1-1
Review questions What are the two types of strokes? - Hemorrhagic and ischemia What are two risk factors? - Obesity, smoking, high cholesterol… What is one symptom of stroke? - LOSS OF VISION, DIZINESS, WEAKNESS…
REVIEW Questions What is one way to prevent stroke? - EAT HEALTHY, AVOID HARMFUL DRUGS, EXERCISE… A STROKE OCCURS WHEN THE SUPPLY OF BLOOD TO THE ______ IS INTERRUPTED. - BRAIN Is stroke partly hereditary? - yes Explain the FAST principle. - Facial drooping, one arm dropping, slurred speech, time to call 911 How do mini strokes increase the risk of a massive stroke? - There is an interruption in the brain and can be a sign that another stroke could occur
Works Cited or Consulted Human Diseases and Conditions. Vol. 3. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2000. Print. "Understanding Stroke." WebMD. WebMD, 9 Mar. 2014. Web. 16 Sept. 2014. <>. Kelly, Evelyn B. Diseases and Disorders. Vol. 3. Tarrytown, New York: Paul Bernabeo, 2008. Print. "Stroke." Mayo Clinic. Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 10 Sept. 2014. Web. 12 Sept. 2014. < conditions/stroke/basics/definition/con-20042884>.