Method of Manufacturing Ultra-High Strength Steel Sheet Parts Presenter: Jinjin Ha, UNH PIs: Yannis Korkolis and Brad Kinsey, UNH Jyhwen Wang, TAMU Yip-Wah Chung, Jian Cao, Northwestern
1. Manufacturing Ultra-High Strength Steel Sheet Parts Industrial Need and Relevance: For lightweighting purposes, the use of UHSS is desirable. However, limited ductility, excessive springback, and tool life concerns are problematic. Thus, methods to form UHSS that address all of these concerns are required. This should include modeling efforts as well for virtual predictions and validation purposes. NSF I/UCRC Planning Meeting
1. Manufacturing Ultra-High Strength Steel Sheet Parts Project Objectives: Implement forming process on a servo-press to allow flexibility with respect to the process, i.e., variable ram motion, binder force, etc. control; Simulate and validate formability, material, lubrication, and temperature effects; Assess the die material and coating effects; and Enable the use of UHSS sheet for more structural stamping applications. Servo-press at Postech NSF I/UCRC Planning Meeting
1. Manufacturing Ultra-High Strength Steel Sheet Parts Approach/Methodologies: Investigate punch and binder motions/force trajectories using a servo-press that can improve formability of UHSS. Barlat et al., 2015, IJMF NSF I/UCRC Planning Meeting
1. Manufacturing Ultra-High Strength Steel Sheet Parts Approach/Methodologies: The proposed scaled test article(s) is a combination of a B-pillar and shotgun. Perform numerical simulations for validation of the process including punch and binder trajectories. Metal Forming Magazine, March 2016 NSF I/UCRC Planning Meeting
1. Manufacturing Ultra-High Strength Steel Sheet Parts Approach/Methodologies: Results from past servo-press research Osakada et al, CIRP review paper, 2011 NSF I/UCRC Planning Meeting
1. Manufacturing Ultra-High Strength Steel Sheet Parts Deliverables: Test component for further assessment Servo-press trajectories for improved formability Tooling life assessment and predictions Numerical simulation models Criteria and empirical guidelines Barlat et al., 2016, MMTA NSF I/UCRC Planning Meeting
1. Manufacturing Ultra-High Strength Steel Sheet Parts Budget and Timeline: Estimated cost of the project is $500k for two years. Task / Milestone Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Tooling design/production Implementation of process Vary process parameters Material characterization Numerical model NSF I/UCRC Planning Meeting
1. Manufacturing Ultra-High Strength Steel Sheet Parts Discussion: Are the industrial need and relevance accurately captured? Are the objectives realistic and complete? Are the approaches technically sound and appropriate? Are there alternative implementation paths or better approaches? Are the deliverables impactful to industrial partners? Are the budget and timeline reasonable? Are there conflicts with intellectual property or trade secrets? NSF I/UCRC Planning Meeting