ICFA and the Linear Collider The global landscape ICFA and the ILC The future .... J. Mnich (DESY) Santander, 2 June 2016
ICFA Role and Mandate Mandate ICFA, the International Committee for Future Accelerators, was created to facilitate international collaboration in the construction and use of accelerators for high energy physics. It was created in 1976 by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics. Mandate To promote international collaboration on very high energy accelerators To organize regularly world-inclusive meetings for the exchange of information on future plans To organize workshops for the study of problems related to super high-energy accelerators In short … ICFA is the recognised body to represent high energy physics on a global scale. Its aim is to facilitate international collaboration in the planning, construction and exploitation of accelerators for high energy physics and related fields.
ICFA Membership 16 Members from all world regions, including the directors of the major particle physics laboratories Canada M. Roney (U Victoria) China Y. Wang (IHEP) Other countries M. Cho (POSTECH) L. de Paula (Rio de Janeiro) V. Matveev (JINR) Russia A. Bondar (Budker) S. Ivanov (IHEP) Secretary R. Rubinstein (FNAL, until 2016) P. Bhat (FNAL) IUPAP C11 (ex officio) J. Fuster (U Valencia) CERN member states H. Abramowicz (U Tel Aviv) F. Gianotti (CERN) J. Mnich (DESY, Chair) USA N. Lockyer (FNAL) D. MacFarlane (SLAC) N. Hadley (U Maryland) Japan T. Mori (U Tokyo) M. Yamauchi (KEK)
GLOBAL PARTICLE PHYSICS LANDSCAPE + STRATEGY Particle physics: consistent world-wide strategy processes: Updates approx. every 5 years in all world regions and individual countries Japan, Europe (approved by CERN Council), USA HEPAP/P5 Different flavours in different regions, but large overlap Emerging global consensus USA: HEPAP/P5 report (2014) – Science drivers: Higgs, neutrino mass, dark matter, cosmic acceleration, explore the unknown – Facilities: HL-LHC, LBNF, ILC, … – Fully exploit LHC potential – Large US neutrino programme – ILC support Update of European Strategy by CERN Council (May 2013) – LHC, incl. HL-LHC – accelerator R&D (high-field magnets) – strong support for ILC in Japan – Participation in long-baseline neutrino experiment Japan 2/2012: Future HEP Projects – If there is a Higgs ILC – If θ13 is large large neutrino experiment – „... Japan should take leadership role in ... an e+e- linear collider.“ – Ongoing evaluation process of ILC; reorganisation at KEK for ILC
How to come to decisions? Decisions on multi-G$ projects are subject to complex, political processes Not (entirely) in the hands of scientists Looking to the past: initiative taken by a country or region others followed. Examples: LHC: Europe through CERN Council contributions to machine and detectors from all over the world HERA: Germany contributions from many countries, also to the accelerator Future: might work in a similar way i.e. Japanese initiative for ILC, Chinese study for CEPC, CERN study for FCC, ...
ICFA and the LC (1) By late 1990s, consensus in the European, American, Asian particle physics communities: a 500-1000 GeV CM e+e- LC is the next frontier collider after the LHC No nation ready to take the lead, so ICFA organised LC activities for the world particle physics community 1999: 2002: ICFA created the International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ILCSC) to promote the construction of an electron-positron linear collider through world-wide collaboration
ICFA and the LC (2) 2003: ILCSC panel produced parameter list for LC needed to achieve a listed set of physics goals 2003: ICFA created the International Technology Recommendation Panel (ITRP). Two remaining LC design options: Main linac: room temperature 11.4 GHz (X-band) Main linac: superconducting 1.3 GHz (L-band) 2004: ITRP recommend choice: superconducting! Accepted by ICFA; global community quickly united behind SC option 2005 ICFA set up Global Design Effort (GDE) to produce an ILC design and its cost
The Global Design Effort (GDE) A unique global organizstion for the design of a large scientific project No host lab Almost no employees Very little direct funding (~ US$ 1M per year) All world regions contributed through personnel + facilities at major labs June 2013: Technical Design Report completed, including detectors, with costs International technical and cost reviews in 2012/2013 validated the design
ICFA and the LC (3) 2013: ILCSC ended; Linear Collider Board (LCB) formed by ICFA, to oversee the Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC) Includes all linear collider activities (ILC and CLIC and detectors) Project
ICFA and the LC (4) ICFA Valencia statement, July 2014: ICFA Statement on its Support of the ILC, its Endorsement of the Strategic Plans of Europe, Asia and the United States, and its Encouragement of International Studies of Future Circular Colliders ICFA endorses the particle physics strategic plans produced in Europe, Asia and the United States and the globally aligned priorities contained therein. Here, ICFA reaffirms its support of the ILC, which is in a mature state of technical development and offers unprecedented opportunities for precision studies of the newly discovered Higgs boson. In addition, ICFA continues to encourage international studies of circular colliders, with an ultimate goal of proton-proton collisions at energies much higher than those of the LHC.
The Future of the LC
The Future of the LC
Future Organisation Current mandates of LCB and LCC will end in 2016 Have been extended by ICFA in August 2015 until end 2016 New structure for LC organisation under discussion Directors of CERN, Fermilab and KEK, plus ICFA chair To be discussed - and hopefully approved - in August at next ICFA meeting Should build on succesful work of current organisation Should address the tasks and challenges of the coming years Wise comments are welcome! ICFA continues to support the Linear Collider
Backup & Material
International Linear Collider ICFA has proposed and promoted the ILC as a global project The ILC had an international scope even in the earliest preparatory stage. From ICFA‘s Valencia statement (July 2014) “ICFA has repeatedly affirmed its support of the ILC, which is in a mature state of technical development and offers unprecedented opportunities for precision studies of the newly discovered Higgs boson.“ ICFA and its sub-panel, the Linear Collider Board, are closely following and supporting the progress of the ILC E.g. recent to letter to MEXT ILC advisory panel on its interim report clarifying issues raised by the panel in the interim report and reffirming ICFA spprt for the ILC and ist scientific case and technical matruity
ICFA aims (1985): To promote international collaboration in all phases of the construction and exploitation of very high energy accelerators. To organize regularly world-inclusive meetings for the exchange of information on future plans for regional facilities and for the formulation of advice on joint studies and uses. To organize workshops for the study of problems related to super high-energy accelerator complexes and their international exploitation and to foster research and development of necessary technology.
Global Strategy Japan, February 2012 Regional strategies in Particle Physics Japan Europe: update approved by CERN Council US: P5 Japan, February 2012 if there is a Higgs ILC If theta_13 is large large neutrino experiment Europe, May 2013 LHC incl. HL-LHC Accelerator R&D (CLIC, field magnets) ILC in Japan participation in long-baseline neutrino experiment(s) US P5 Strategy: Science Drivers Higgs boson Neutrino mass Dark matter Cosmic acceleration Explore the unknown Facilities: LHC, LBNF, ILC, … Different flavors in different regions, but large overlap! Emerging global strategy
The Future of the LC
Program Advisory Committee Physics&Detectors Hitoshi Yamamoto Current Organisation ICFA Linear Collider Board Program Advisory Committee Directorate Lyn Evans Deputy (Physics) Hitoshi Murayama ILC Mike Harrison Physics&Detectors Hitoshi Yamamoto CLIC Steinar Stapnes Regional Directors Brian Foster Harry Weerts Akira Yamamoto FALC