SUNNY The sun is shining and there are no clouds.
CLOUDY Many clouds in the sky.
CLEAR If there are no clouds, the weather is clear.
RAINY Water that falls from the clouds in drops.
STORMY Lightning: A flash of light in the sky during a storm. Thunder: the rumbling sound in the clouds that happens after lightning Rain, thunder and lightning at the same time.
SNOWY Frozen rain that falls from the sky as soft snowflakes.
HAIL When frozen rain falls as small balls of ice (hailstones).
WINDY Blowing air outside.
RAINBOW A band of colours found in the sky after a rainfall.
FOGGY Thick cloud close to land.
HOT Boiling: very hot, often used in negative contexts.
MILD Temperature that is warmer than average.
COLD Freezing: common expression used to describe a very cold day.
MORE WORDS ABOUT THE WEATHER… Forecast: a prediction of how the weather will be on a certain day. Degrees: measurement for temperature. Season: time of year characterized by certain weather. Remember the four seasons: WINTER / SPRING / SUMMER / AUTUMN
Fill in the gaps. Take the umbrella! It's____________. I need to drink something cold, it's __________. Look at the clouds! I think it is going to __________. In Spring the weather is ____________. I always wear sunglasses when it's ________ to protect my eyes. Last night I could not sleep because of the noise of ________. We could not swim in the sea, it was ________. Last Christmas it __________ and we could make a snowman! It's a good day to fly the kite. It's ___________. Get your coat, earmuffs and mittens. It's ____________.
Answers Take the umbrella! It's hailing. I need to drink something cold, it's boiling. Look at the clouds! I think it is going to rain. In Spring the weather is mild. I always wear sunglasses when it's sunny to protect my eyes. Last night I could not sleep because of the noise of thunder. We could not swim in the sea, it was cold. Last Christmas it snowed and we could make a snowman! It's a good day to fly the kite. It's windy. Get your coat, earmuffs and mittens. It's freezing.
Webgraphy http://www.freemake.com/blog/best-weather-apps-for-your-iphone/ http://dreamatico.com/weather.html http://www.clker.com/cliparts/1/l/Z/P/v/0/thermometer-mild-md.png https://www.englishclub.com/vocabulary/weather-vocabulary.htm