RECOGNISING ABUSE Abuse is the wrong or improper treatment of someone, causing that person harm. It can happen to males and females of all ages. Abuse is most common between people involved in a close relationship. Abuse can also occur as a result of someone FAILING to do something for us.
RECOGNISING ABUSE Abuse can take many different forms: Physical - any actions that cause physical injury or produce significant physical pain. E.g. hitting Sexual - any form of sexual behaviour that is not wanted by either person. E.g. touching Emotional - when yelling and anger go too far or when parents constantly criticize or threaten until their feelings of self-esteem are damaged Neglect - when parents or guardians don't take care of the basic needs of their children
POWER IN RELATIONSHIPS It is important to realise that power is evident in all aspects of life. It can be used in a positive way or it can be abused. When an appropriate balance of power is established, it will help support healthy and caring relationships and safe communities. If power is abused, it will result in loss of respect for the person who abused it.
Power in relationships What gives people power? Information- power through knowing things Charisma- power through being liked Expertise- power through knowledge, understanding, skills or expertise in a particular area Position- power through authority Reward- power through ability to reward others Connection- power through knowing someone who has another type of power Strength- power through being emotionally or physically strong
Influence of gender stereotypes Gender stereotyping is a type of discrimination that involves having an exaggerated or oversimplified belief about people of a certain gender. Men have usually assumed the role of leader or dominance, simply because they are male. Throughout history, it was accepted that women would follow these leaders, and would not be treated as equal.
List 2 ways you could balance the power within your friend group