INTERREG IIIB CADSES HYDROCARE Project Partner 5 Servizio Opere Idrauliche, Provincia Autonoma di Trento (Service for Hydraulic Works, Autonomous Province of Trento) Address Via Zambra 42, Torre B Sud Top Center, 38100 TRENTO Legal responsible Eng. Vittorio Cristofori HYDROCARE kick-off meeting; Potsdam, Feb. 13 2006
INTERREG IIIB CADSES HYDROCARE SERVICE FOR HYDRAULIC WORKS, TRENTO The Service for Hydraulic Works (SOI) … … provides for technical and administrative fulfilments related to hydraulic works, dams and reservoirs, and lake harbours. … is in charge of the design, building and maintenance of hydraulic works, and of the maintenance of river beds. … fulfils duties of prevention and assistance in case of severe disasters, in particular floods (control of dams and reservoirs to limit river discharge). … collects hydrometric data in its competence area. HYDROCARE kick-off meeting; Potsdam, Feb. 13 2006
INTERREG IIIB CADSES HYDROCARE SERVICE FOR HYDRAULIC WORKS, TRENTO SOI participates to workpackages: WP2: Reconstruction of the hydrological cycle; WP3: Hydrological analysis and design; With actions: 3.5 Stochastic generation of physically consistent precipitation fields; 3.6 Application of rainfall-runoff models in selected catchments; 3.7 Production of a GIS-based tool for hydrological design; 2.8 Reconstruction of precipitation fields by downscaling NWP forecasts; Most project tasks are assigned to external experts (University of Trento, DICA). HYDROCARE kick-off meeting; Potsdam, Feb. 13 2006
INTERREG IIIB CADSES HYDROCARE SERVICE FOR HYDRAULIC WORKS, TRENTO Work Package 3 Hydrological analysis and design HYDROCARE kick-off meeting; Potsdam, Feb. 13 2006
INTERREG IIIB CADSES HYDROCARE SERVICE FOR HYDRAULIC WORKS, TRENTO Actions 3.5-3.6-3.7 – Motivations – Hydrological analysis for the design of hydraulic structures is currently performed by professionals; SOI evaluates the conformity of design proposals. – The service wishes to provide uniform guidelines for the design of new hydraulic works in its competence area. In particular, the expected water discharge with a desired return period needs to be assessed. HYDROCARE kick-off meeting; Potsdam, Feb. 13 2006
INTERREG IIIB CADSES HYDROCARE SERVICE FOR HYDRAULIC WORKS, TRENTO Actions 3.5-3.6-3.7 – Technical issues – An appropriate rainfall-runoff model is needed (3.6). – A non-uniform distribution of rainfall needs to be considered, due to the size of the catchments of interest (>200 km²; 3.5). – Return periods must be estimated with accurate analysis of historical datasets (3.5). – For practical use, models will be integrated in a GIS system (3.7). – The discharge in most rivers of the Trento Province is potentially affected by dams and reservoirs, and the relative gate operations; their effect on surface runoff needs to be considered. HYDROCARE kick-off meeting; Potsdam, Feb. 13 2006
INTERREG IIIB CADSES HYDROCARE SERVICE FOR HYDRAULIC WORKS, TRENTO AVISIO NOCE CISMON VANOI FERSINA SARCA BRENTA ADIGE CHIESE Geostatistical analysis of historical data Generation of precipitation fields Rainfall-runoff modeling Integration in a GIS system HYDROCARE kick-off meeting; Potsdam, Feb. 13 2006
INTERREG IIIB CADSES HYDROCARE SERVICE FOR HYDRAULIC WORKS, TRENTO Action 3.5 – Tasks (1/2) Data collection and geostatistical analysis – Collection of measurements of rainfall and water discharge in all the available stations within the basins of interest. – Geostatistical analysis of extreme rainfall events. – Determination of the probability density function (pdf) of the rainfall volumes corresponding to the maximum yearly flood event (one single pdf for the entire basin). Geostatistical analysis of historical data Generation of precipitation fields Rainfall-runoff modeling Integration in a GIS system HYDROCARE kick-off meeting; Potsdam, Feb. 13 2006
INTERREG IIIB CADSES HYDROCARE SERVICE FOR HYDRAULIC WORKS, TRENTO Action 3.5 – Tasks (2/3) Synthetic generation of precipitation fields: – Generation of the event precipitation volume by using the pdf obtained by analysing historical data. – Two approaches: assumption of a spatially uniform precipitation field; synthetic generation of a spatially variable precipitation field by using a suitable downscaling procedure. The field must preserve the generated total volume, and the spatial patterns obtained by geostatistical analysis. Geostatistical analysis of historical data Generation of precipitation fields Rainfall-runoff modeling Integration in a GIS system HYDROCARE kick-off meeting; Potsdam, Feb. 13 2006
INTERREG IIIB CADSES HYDROCARE SERVICE FOR HYDRAULIC WORKS, TRENTO Action 3.6 – Tasks Rainfall-runoff modeling in the PAT reference basins – Calibration and validation of an effective rainfall model (SCS, Green-Ampt). – Calibration and validation of a rainfall-runoff model (GIUH routing). – Application of the runoff generation model with spatially variable metereological forcings provided by the analysis of Action 3.5. – Using the output of this model to determine a suitable relationship between water discharge and return time. Geostatistical analysis of historical data Generation of precipitation fields Rainfall-runoff modeling Integration in a GIS system HYDROCARE kick-off meeting; Potsdam, Feb. 13 2006
INTERREG IIIB CADSES HYDROCARE SERVICE FOR HYDRAULIC WORKS, TRENTO Action 3.7 – Tasks Production of a GIS-based tool for hydrological design – Design of a user-friendly interface for rainfall-runoff models. 1. User input: select a river section; 2. User input: define a return period (RP); 3. Detect the contributing area; 4. Generate precipitation field corresponding to the given RP; 5. Run effective rainfall and rainfall-runoff models. Geostatistical analysis of historical data Generation of precipitation fields Rainfall-runoff modeling Integration in a GIS system HYDROCARE kick-off meeting; Potsdam, Feb. 13 2006
INTERREG IIIB CADSES HYDROCARE SERVICE FOR HYDRAULIC WORKS, TRENTO Work Package 2 Reconstruction of the hydrological cycle HYDROCARE kick-off meeting; Potsdam, Feb. 13 2006
INTERREG IIIB CADSES HYDROCARE SERVICE FOR HYDRAULIC WORKS, TRENTO Action 2.8 – Motivations – During flood events, SOI operates a self-calibrating rainfall-runoff lumped model, driven in real time by precipitation measurements from a number of rain gauges spread out over the Province. – The possibility of interfacing this model with the NWP products offered by the local Meteorological Office (Meteotrentino) is being explored; available models: ECMWF (res. ~20 km), LAMI-GME (~7 km). – Post-processing of modeled precipitation data is needed (either downscaling or upscaling based on their resolution; downscaling needed here). HYDROCARE kick-off meeting; Potsdam, Feb. 13 2006
INTERREG IIIB CADSES HYDROCARE SERVICE FOR HYDRAULIC WORKS, TRENTO Action 2.8 – Technical issues – Downscaling: a method for obtaining high-resolution information from relatively coarse-resolution models (eg. GCMs) or observations. – Statistical downscaling first derives statistical relationships between observed small-scale variables and larger scale variables, using either analogue methods, regression analysis, or neural network methods. HYDROCARE kick-off meeting; Potsdam, Feb. 13 2006
INTERREG IIIB CADSES HYDROCARE SERVICE FOR HYDRAULIC WORKS, TRENTO Action 2.8 – Tasks – Recognition of available downscaling approaches, identification and implementation of the most suited for precipitation forecasts (comparative evaluation by trial-and-error). – Test of the method in a series of hystorically relevant test cases (yet to be identified). The task implies the recovery of the relevant data: rainfall measurements and weather analyses. – Integration of the downscaling software in the real-time rainfall-runoff model system. HYDROCARE kick-off meeting; Potsdam, Feb. 13 2006
INTERREG IIIB CADSES HYDROCARE SERVICE FOR HYDRAULIC WORKS, TRENTO Budget – 300 k€; 50% ERDF funds, 50% National co-financing. Milestones – Actions 3.5-3.6-3.7: Production of a GIS module for hydrological design (Dec. 2007). – Action 2.8: Production of a Coupling interface between meteo- and hydro-logical models (Dec. 2007). Organizational structure – HYDROCARE tasks will be jointly coordinated by one person at SOI and one person at DICA (both yet to be defined); they will both participate to Project meetings. HYDROCARE kick-off meeting; Potsdam, Feb. 13 2006
INTERREG IIIB CADSES HYDROCARE SERVICE FOR HYDRAULIC WORKS, TRENTO Thank you Vittorio Cristofori, Bruno Lorengo (Service for Hydraulic Works, Autonomous Province of Trento) Bruno Majone, Stefano Serafin (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Trento) HYDROCARE kick-off meeting; Potsdam, Feb. 13 2006