Danube Transnational Programme DTP First Call for Proposal and beyond Danube Transnational Programme 2014-2020 DTP First Call for Proposal and beyond 9th Steering Group Meeting of Priority Area 8 Ljubljana 9th June 2015
Content The Danube Transnational Programme DTP – EUSDR cooperation DTP key features Thematic priorities and main linkages to EUSDR PA 8 DTP – EUSDR cooperation Basic requirements for successful DTP projects First DTP Call for Proposal
DTP key-features Danube Transnational Programme 2014-2020: Geographical area: same as EUSDR Financial instruments: ERDF, IPA, (ENI – not available in the 1st call) Budget: 202 095 405 EUR ERDF 19 829 192 EUR IPA Cooperation Programme: not yet approved by the EC Launching conference: second half of September 2015 First call: September 2015 (two step approach)
DTP thematic priorities DTP thematic portfolio: result of an extensive and complex preparation phase Context factor: launch of EUSDR in 2011 … Preparatory studies (e.g. Territorial Analysis) 11 Programming Committees meetings Stakeholder consultation DTP-EUSDR consultations Thematic concentration! each DTP thematic priority has clear linkages to one or more EUSDR PA but not each EUSDR PA or (sub-) topic is equally reflected by the DTP thematic portfolio
DTP priorities and specific objectives Priority Axis 1 Innovative and socially responsible Danube region Priority Axis 2 Environment and culture responsible Danube region Priority Axis 3 Better connected and energy responsible Danube region Priority Axis 4 Well governed Danube region Specific objective 1.1 Improve framework conditions for innovation Specific objective 2.1 Foster sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage and resources Specific objective 3.1 Support environmentally-friendly and safe transport systems and balanced accessibility of urban and rural areas Specific objective 4.1 Improve institutional capacities to tackle major societal challenges Specific objective 1.2 Increase competences for business and social innovation Specific objective 2.2 Foster the restoration and management of ecological corridors Specific objective 3. 2 Improve energy security and energy efficiency Specific objective 4.2 Support to the governance and implementation of the EUSDR Specific objective 2.3 Strengthen transnational water management and flood risk prevention Specific objective 2.4 Improve preparedness for disaster risk management
Innovative and socially responsible Danube region Priority 1 Innovative and socially responsible Danube region SO 1.1: Improve the institutional and infrastructural framework conditions and policy instruments for research & innovation to ensure a broader access to knowledge for the development of new technologies and the social dimension of innovation. Improved strategic frameworks and cooperation to build up excellent research infrastructure in the Danube region. More effective collaborative research & innovation activities and support of competent networks between enterprises, R&D centres, education and higher education and the public sector to enhance the commercial use of research results, foster technology transfer and broaden access to knowledge. Improved coordination and developed practical solutions for cluster policies and transnational cluster cooperation for innovation development in technological areas (e.g. environmental technologies and energy efficiency) and non-technological areas (service innovation, social innovation) based on smart specialisation approaches (RIS3). Improved strategic frameworks and developed practical solutions to tackle bottleneck factors that hinder the innovation in SMEs, e.g. better access to innovation finance, support for innovative start-ups, and better assistance with the management of intellectual property rights.
Synergies with EUSDR PA 8 - Competitiveness DTP Priority 1 Synergies with EUSDR PA 8 - Competitiveness DTP SO 1.1: Improve framework conditions for innovation EUSDR – PA8 WG – Innovation and Technology Transfer WG – Cluster of excellence WG – Cooperation of Business organisations WG - Environmental Technologies and Energy Efficiency WG – Competitiveness in rural and urban areas
Innovative and socially responsible Danube region Priority 1 Innovative and socially responsible Danube region SO 1.2: Foster innovative learning systems to increase competences of employees in the business sector, to strengthen entrepreneurial culture and learning contributing to better meet social needs and the delivery of services in the general interest. Improved policy learning and development of practical solutions to better adapt human resources to technological change and market requirements. Improved policies and practical solutions for entrepreneurial culture and learning. Building up a stronger culture of entrepreneurship, improve developing skills and competences for innovative entrepreneurship including gender aspects and addressing also high-quality primary and secondary schooling. Strengthen capacities of the so called supporting organizations. Improved environment, skills and competences to advance social innovation and social services to better meet social needs and further improve the capacities of regions and public institutions to manage new challenges such as those deriving from demographic change, migration and brain drain and to better provide services in the general interest. Built up joint educational offers in specific fields of interest (e.g. in sustainable transport sector). Improved systems for institutional learning and building capacities of public administration to better cope with innovation processes.
Synergies with EUSDR PA 8 - Competitiveness DTP Priority 1 Synergies with EUSDR PA 8 - Competitiveness DTP SO1.2: Increase competences for businesses and social innovation EUSDR – PA8 WG – Vocational education and training WG – Entrepreneurial learning
DTP – EUSDR cooperation Integration of EUSDR relevant evaluation criteria into DTP assessment methodology (t.b.c.) two discussion rounds (PAC –DTP), 20th March / 8th May Integration of two criteria in the DTP assessment methodolgy for evaluating project’s contributions to EUSDR, certain PA(s) and related actions and targets EUSDR Specific guidance in the Expression of Interest / Application Form for applicants, including web-links One section on EUSDR in the DTP Assessment Manual, providing necessary background information Reference to EUSDR in the official CfP launching documents / web- publications pre-agreed draft version of assessment criteria and guidance for applicants to be discussed during next DTP PC in Bratislava (mid-June)
Basic requirements for successful DTP projects Eligibility criteria Formal (deadline, submission, ...) Eligibility (e.g. Partnership: min. 3 PPs from 3 countries, 1 ERDF PP) Strategic criteria Relevance regarding specific needs / challenges of the Danube region Coherent intervention logic (project contribution to Programme objectives, results and outputs) Project contribution to EU policies, strategies and EUSDR Partnership composition Transnational relevance Targets groups and sustainability Operational criteria Work plan consistency (logic, timeline, outputs/results) Budget (adequate, balanced, value for money)
Basic requirements for successful DTP projects Details provided in the official DTP Applicants Manual Sound knowledge of Cooperation Programme and further official DTP documents indispensable! DTP support offered during project development phase: Info-days, thematic seminars and workshops, national events, project consultations on national (DTP NCPs) and Programme (JS) level highly competitive scenario expected – successful projects have to proof high quality regarding ALL criteria!
DTP 1st Call for Proposal 2-step procedure „Open Call” Launch and offical docs: September 2015 Project duration: max. 30 months September 2015
Contact Simona Ene Danube Transnational Programme Joint Secretariat Danube Transnational Programme Joint Secretariat H-1051 Budapest Józséf Nándor Tér 2-4 Tel: +36 1 795 4082 E-mail: calina.simona.ene@ngm.gov.hu DTP website: coming soon (updated information on the DTP – e.g. draft Cooperation Programme – under www.southeast-europe.net)