Mapping Information Platform (MIP) Released Purpose Tracks Type of System Users Data Elements Updates June 2004 during Map Mod To enable the management, production, and sharing of flood hazard data and maps in a digital environment. Project workflows Amendment and eLOMAs (MT-1s) Revisions (MT-2s) Studies Web-based >1000 >300 Several over the years Data from the Risk MAP Process is input into the MIP from B through G The MIP includes a few different reporting functions Reports under the Tools & Links Section (live) Canned reports with pre-determined elements MIP Ad Hoc Reporting System (MARS)(data refreshes each night for the day prior) Users determine what data to bring in to the report and create their own queries Meghan
Project Planning & Purchasing Portal Released Purpose Tracks Type of System Users Data Elements Updates ≈ June 2013 To plan projects on a multi-year basis, sequence projects to be funded annually, and develop the ordering template and SOPs for purchases. Deployment Planned projects and purchases Funded Projects and purchases Web-based; Multi-tiered Database >50 During early stages of release while still in development Data from P4 is input during A and B, and data From the Risk MAP Process is input into P4 in B P4 is the authoritative data source: For the Risk MAP Deployment program measure, and Authoritative interim data source for supporting CNMS to determine NVUE (Attained + Initiated) - % of NVUE compliant mapped miles that have been initiated P4 Footprints will be used: To identify deployed project areas for use in the Mitigation Action Tracker For external reporting in the Progress Report website To inventory elevation acquisitions Meghan
Coordinated Needs Management Strategy (CNMS) Released Purpose Tracks Type of System Users Data Elements Updates ≈ 2009 To inventory and manage flood map update issues and support FIRM revision and production planning activities Invalid, Valid miles (detailed or not) and where assessment is needed Web-based database >30 >200 Started as a GIS file database Data from CNMS is input during A and B. Data is input into CNMS C through G CNMS is used to report New, Valid, or Updated Engineering (NVUE – Attained) - Percentage of NVUE compliant mapped miles, where the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) have been provided to the communities The CNMS inventory contributes to the identification of risk in two important ways. Indicating where the depiction of flood hazards on FIRMs has been validated through detailed assessment. Showing which previously studied or unstudied floodplains inadequately represent flood hazards. Allison
Originally tracked in a Spreadsheet Mitigation Action Tracker (MAT) Released Purpose Tracks Type of System Updates ≈ 2013 For providers and mitigation planners to document and report local mitigation actions influenced by Risk MAP (or non-Risk MAP) processes Action Measure 1 Action Measure 2 Web-based Originally tracked in a Spreadsheet Data from the Risk MAP process is input into MAT during D MAT is the authoritative data source for the Risk MAP Action program measures Action Measure 1 - The total number of communities where Risk MAP has helped identify at least one new, or refined an existing, mitigation action. Action Measure 2 - The total number of communities where Risk MAP processes have helped advance one or more mitigation actions. Provides stakeholders valuable mitigation information that can be leveraged for future planning or other risk reduction efforts Allison
Mitigation Planning Portal (MPP) Released Purpose Tracks Type of System Data Elements ≈ 2014 Tracking and reporting mitigation plans and related data elements across FEMA Regions. Mitigation plans by jurisdiction Web-based ≈ 50 MPP inputs data into the Risk MAP process during A, as well as into P4 and CNMS Plans can be created, edited, and searched for. The MPP Reporting system mimics MARS. The reports are both canned or ad hoc At some point in the future, MPP will become the authoritative data source for the Mitigation Plan Population Coverage program measure Meghan
Coastal Tracker Tool ≈ 2012 ≈ 20 ≈ 12 Released Purpose Tracks Type of System Users Data Elements ≈ 2012 To meet the goals of the Risk MAP program, FEMA has committed to providing updated flood hazard data for 100 percent of the populated coastal areas in the Nation. Coastal study planning Actual progression against these plans. Progress towards fully-funding coastal studies. Spreadsheet ≈ 20 ≈ 12 Coastal Program Measure Tracking: Percent of Populated Coastal Miles with a Flood Map Study initiated Percent of Populated Coastal Miles with Preliminary data Percent of Populated Coastal Miles with Effective data Found on Risk MAP SharePoint site Data from the MIP is input in to the tracker. Also note there is a Coastal Technical Risk Register (aka Coastal Grid) that HQ uses to track technical concerns and potential mitigation actions to address them Meghan
Database on SharePoint KDP Documentation Tool Released Purpose Tracks Type of System ≈ 2014 The Key Decision Point (KDP) process is a formal method to document the decision to advance forward in a Flood Risk Project’s lifecycle at six distinct points and to document the rationale behind these decisions Documents the 6 KDPs and when they are approved Database on SharePoint KDPs occur at different points throughout the Risk MAP Process The tool will be managed and supported by the Headquarters Program Management (PM) team Allison
Flood Map Service Center (MSC) Released Purpose Tracks Type of System Users Updates Pre Map Mod The official public source for flood hazard information produced in support of the NFIP Preliminary Flood Maps Effective Flood Maps Determination letters Web-based Public Updated 2014 Preliminary Maps are input into MSC during F and are available to view or download Effective Maps are input into the MSC during G once FIRMS have gone effective and are available to view or download The MSC contains: Regulatory Mapping Products Non-Regulatory Products Flood Map Tools – Advanced – NFHL Basic - FIRMette Allison Regulatory Mapping Products Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) Flood Insurance Study (FIS) Letters of Map Change (LOMC) Documents, including different types of Letters of Map Revision (LOMR) and Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA), that are issued by FEMA to revise or amend the flood hazard information shown on the FIRM without requiring the FIRM to be physically revised and republished. In addition, FEMA issues a formal determination letter, called a LOMC Revalidation or LOMC-VALID letter - when one or more previously issued LOMCs are found to still be valid during a new flood mapping study of an area. Revalidation letters are included in the LOMC product results on this site GIS Databases (FIRM DB and NFHL) Compilations of digital GIS data representing the same information presented on the FIRMs, and in the FIS report. The GIS data is designed to provide the user with the ability to determine the flood zone, base flood elevation and the floodway status for a particular location. It also has NFIP community information, map panel information, cross section and hydraulic structure information, Coastal Barrier Resource System information (if applicable), and base map information like road, stream, and public land survey data. When in Preliminary or Pending status, these datasets are referred to as FIRM Databases (FIRM DB). FIRM Databases can be opened with widely available GIS software, including freely available programs, that can open and view GIS shapefiles. When FIRMs and FIRM databases become effective, that data is incorporated into the National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL). The NFHL is a continuously updated digital dataset that represents the current effective flood data for those parts of the country where maps have been digitized. The NFHL combines the flood hazard data from the FIRMs with the updates issued through LOMRs to provide a unified view of the current effective flood hazards. It also shows Regulatory Product Status as - Preliminary, Pending, Effective or Historic Non-Regulatory Products- Flood Risk Products HAZUS Hazus is a nationally applicable standardized methodology that contains models for estimating potential losses from earthquakes, floods and hurricanes. Hazus uses GIS technology to estimate physical, economic and social impacts of disasters. View the Hazus page on the MSC to download the Hazus-MH software application, service packs, and state datasets. Flood Map Tools – Advanced – NFHL Basic - FIRMette
Community Information System (CIS) Released Purpose Tracks Type of System Data Elements Pre Map Mod Is the official record of the National Flood Insurance information. Provides information about floodplain management, mapping and insurance for the NFIP communities. Demographic, Engineering, insurance Community specific information for jurisdictions in the United States that are identified as floodprone. Web-based, database Hundreds Is FEMA’s authoritative data source for maintaining Community Identification (CID) The community information from CIS feeds the data in the backend of the MIP Has reporting functionality Lists all approved NFIP Communities Meghan
Risk MAP Progress Website Released Purpose Tracks Type of System Users Data Elements Updates ≈ 2013 To provide transparency and communicate FEMA’s investments towards achieving Risk MAPs vision and goals Risk MAP Projects Map Mod Projects Interactive and geospatial Web-based Public ≈ 20 Improvements we continually made up until transition to CDS Data is input from both the MIP and P4, using MIP case number to link geospatial footprints from P4 to project information from the MIP; no direct user input. Replaces static reporting done for the annual Progress Report and Production Plan Layers also include Congressional Districts and HUC 8s Users can create a canned reports in both PDF and Excel Spreadsheet format Meghan
FEMA Accreditation Status Tracker (FAST) & Midterm Levee Inventory (MLI) / National Levee Database (NLD) System Released Purpose Type of System Data Elements FAST ≈ 2014 To track Levee accreditation status, PAL status, and the application of seclusion and LAMP procedures Database ≈70 MLI/NLD ≈ 2007 / 2011(public) FEMA’s MLI focuses on levee ownership, accreditation status of levees in communities participating in the NFIP. USACE’s NLD is the authoritative database that describes the location and condition of the Nation’s levees, and the potential consequence behind those levees >40 FAST is the authoritative data source for the Levee Analysis and Mapping Procedure (LAMP) program measure FAST is found on the Risk MAP SharePoint site was based on the LAMP and Provisionally Accredited Levee (PAL) tracking spreadsheets. FEMA works in partnership with the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers on the MLI/NLD Allison Additional info Each Region keeps MLI and is rolled once year and delivered to FEMA – recently just updated in the NLD but it has not been fully figured out when this update will happen. NLD is hosted by US Army Corps of Engineers; MLI is Regionally based, updated annually. FAST – SharePoint based spreadsheet; there is also a LAMP Studies Tracker associated with it in SharePoint. NLD is only the Corp levees – MLI incorporation adds in FEMA levees.
Ordering Template (OT) & Procurement Action Lead Time (PALT) System Purpose Tracks Data Elements Updates OT A report generated with information about the different purchases for any given fiscal year and quarter. Scope items and their quantity drivers >120 Added to P4 PALT Procurement Action Lead Time - provides reports to FEMA HQ with a status of obligated funds Obligated funds ≈ 20 Allison Both are reporting outputs from P4, based on data entry by users
GIS Files and spreadsheet FEMA NFIP Community & Tracking Layers Released Purpose Tracks Type of System Data Elements During Map Mod This dataset contains jurisdictional, tribal, and special land use authority boundaries tied to FEMA CIDs NFIP jurisdictions GIS Files and spreadsheet ≈30 Is a polygon GIS layer representing jurisdictional boundaries, population, and associated CIDs within the NFIP Serves as a common resource for multiple FEMA processes and systems including but not limited to P4, MAT, MIP, and MPP Is aligned with CIS During Map Mod the community layer was used to track the first time communities received Preliminary and Effective Maps for Key Performance Indicators 1 & 2. Meghan Community Layer – initiative so all systems can leverage geospatial info. Contains specific information 1) Tribal Boundaries 2) Jurisdiction Boundaries 3) Special Land Use Authority Tracking Layer – puts all three of above into one and adds HUC-12s and Census Blocks
Pipeline Production Workbook Released Purpose Tracks Type of System Data Elements ≈ 2010 To provide an interactive method of analyzing the production pipeline of FEMA Risk MAP through a variety of viewpoints Project Lifecycle Data Business Management Production Management Baseline & Actual Volume Management Spreadsheet >40 Data is output from the MIP to create this workbook This is an internal, multi-tabbed spreadsheet. Uses MIP data (monthly) and the National Purchase Tracking Template (data as of 12/2012) Meghan
Hazus Released Purpose Type of System 1997 Hazus is a nationally applicable standardized methodology that contains models for estimating potential losses from earthquakes, floods and hurricanes. Software Hazus uses GIS to estimate physical, economic and social impacts of disasters The Flood Model produces loss estimates for vulnerability assessments and plans for flood risk mitigation, emergency preparedness, and response and recovery Used to generate the Flood Risk Assessment Non Regulatory Product Hazus Modernization is underway – late 2014 update expected to make compatible with ArcGIS 10.2.2 and Windows 8 Allison
Preliminary FIRM Issuance + Systems Key Decision Points (KDPs): Discovery Meeting Updated Discovery Map Draft Project Plan Preliminary FIRM Issuance LFD Issuance FIRM Effective Information collected to update database RMP RMP RMP RMP G D E F B A C Information collected to update database Planning Execution Allison Many of these systems were developed because there was a need, that the MIP was not able to fulfill, especially as the program transitioned from Map Mod to Risk MAP. While these systems are all different in some way, many of them capture similar types of data. Some of the systems were developed in order to better track program measures, purchases, and so on, some of these stemmed from “rogue” systems Acronyms: MIP – Mapping Information Platform P4 – Project Planning and Purchasing Portal MPP – Mitigation Planning Portal PALT – Procurement Action Lead Time CNMS – Coordinated Needs Management Strategy MAT – Mitigation Action Tracker MSC – Map Service Center FAST – FEMA Accreditation Status Tracker MLI/NLD – Mid-term Levee Inventory / National Levee Database RPMLs – Regional Program Management Leads RSCs – Regional Service Centers RMP – Risk MAP Products (this term is used for the MIP cases that represent the tracking of the non-regulatory products in the MIP) LFD – Letter of Final Determination FIRM – Flood Insurance Rate Map GDC – Geospatial Data Coordination SOP – Standard Operating Procedure CIS – Community Information System NDEP – National Digital Elevation Program NDOP – National Digital Orthoimagery Program CTP – Cooperating Technical Partners Risk MAP Timeline Phases: Planning & Budgeting (3 Mos.) Discovery (2-4 Mos.) Data Development & Sharing (9-15 Mos.) Risk Awareness & Mitigation Outreach (1-3 Mos.) Proposed NFIP Map Changes & Impacts (1-3 Mos.) Preliminary NFIP Map Release & Mitigation Plan Path Forward (1-3 Mos.) Due Process & Path Forward (9-15 Mos.) Risk MAP Products - (RMP) cases Input Output Relationship Other Supporting Systems/References: CIS CTP Database NDEP and NDOP GDC SOPs and Contact Lists (updated qtrly) Rogue Websites Regional Spreadsheets Other
Risk MAP Data Refresh Data in each system is refreshed at different intervals, this depends on How often the system is updated with data, Reporting needs System Data Refresh Rate MIP Live KDP Tool CIS MARS Daily MAT MPP MSC FAST Monthly (at min.) System Data Refresh Rate CNMS Quarterly Risk MAP Progress P4 Coastal Tracker Tool MLI/NLD As Needed Community Layer allison