Computer Architecture Unit 1 Instruction Sets: Characteristics and Functions
Topics to covered Machine instructions characteristics Types of operands Intel x86 and ARM data types Types of operations Intel x86 and ARM operations types
What is an instruction set? The collection of different instruction that the processor can execute is referred to as the instruction set. 2
Instruction Cycle State Diagram Det the add of the operand Perform op indicated in inst
Machine Instruction Characteristics The operation of the processor is determine by the instruction it executes is know as m/c instruction or computer instruction Different Machine instruction char. 1.Element of machine design 2.Instruction Representation 3.Instruction Types 4.Number of Address 5.Instruction set design
Elements of an Instruction Operation code (Op code) Do this (for ex : Add, Sub etc) Source Operand reference To this (for ex : Number of inputs ) Result Operand reference Put the answer here Next Instruction Reference When you have done that, do this... 3
From where all the Operands come? Source and Result can be in one of the four operands : Main memory (or virtual memory or cache) CPU register Immediate I/O device 4
Instruction Representation Each instruction is represented by sequence of bits. During execution , an instruction is read into instruction reg (IR) in the processor. The processor must be able to extract data from the various fields to perform the required operation. It is not possible to deal with the binary representation of m/c instr. So to solve this problem “Symbol representation” is introduced 5
Simple Instruction Format The instruction is divided into various fields. Fig : A Simple Instruction Format
Instruction Representation (continue.…) Opcode are represented using abbreviation. Common example are ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, LOAD, STOR For example ADD R,Y It is represented as X=X+Y
Instruction Types Consider X=X+Y Let corresponding address of variable x and y location will be 513 and 514. By using simple set of m/c instruction as follows : 1. R <- X 2. R + Y 3. R -> X
Instruction Types Data processing- Arithmetic and Logic inst. Data storage -movement of data in or out of register or memory Data movement - I/O Program flow control- Test and Branch 6
Number of Addresses (a) Two operand location and one result location Operand 1, Operand 2, Result a = b + c; Temporary location “T” is used Format is Not common Needs very long words to hold everything 7
Y=(A-B)/(C+(D*E)) Instruction Comment SUB Y,A,B ;Y<-A-B MPY T,D,F ;T<-D*E ADD T,T,C ;T<-T+C DIV Y,Y,T ;Y<-Y/T
Number of Addresses (b) One address doubles as operand and result SUB Y,B MOVE instruction is used to move the data 8
Y=(A-B)/(C+(D*E)) Instruction Comment MOVE Y,A ;Y <- A SUB Y,B ;Y <- Y-B MOVE T,D ;T <- D MPY T,E ;T <- T*E ADD T,C ;T <- T+C DIV Y,T ;Y <- Y/T
Number of Addresses (c) Implicit second address Usually a register (accumulator OR AC) Common on early machines 9
Y=(A-B)/(C+(D*E)) Instruction Comment LOAD D ; AC <- D MPY E ; AC <- AC * E ADD C ; AC <- AC + C STOR Y ; Y <- AC LOAD A ; AC <- A SUB B ; AC <- AC-B DIV Y ; AC <- AC / Y
Number of Addresses (d) 0 (zero) addresses All addresses implicit Uses a stack e.g. push a push b add pop c c = a + b 10
How Many Addresses More addresses Fewer addresses More complex instructions More registers Inter-register operations are quicker Fewer instructions per program Fewer addresses Less complex (powerful?) instructions More instructions per program Faster fetch/execution of instructions 11
Types of Operand Addresses (Addressing Modes) Numbers Characters Integer floating point Characters American Standard code for information interchange(ASCII) etc. Logical Data Bits or flags Boolean function (1-true,0-false) 14
Data types Intel X86 Data Types ARM Data Types
INTEL X86 Data Types X86 Processor Support Data Type Of 8 bit (Byte) 16 bit (word) 32 bit (double word) 64 bit (quad word) Addressing is by 8 bit unit A 32 bit double word is read at addresses divisible by 4 15
X86 Data Types 16
X86 data types are as follows: Packed byte and packed byte integer Packed word and packed word integer Packed double-word and packed double-word integer Packed quad-word and Packed quad-word integer. Packed single-precision floating point and Packed double-precision floating point
Format of Data Types 17
What is ARM? An ARM processor is one of a family of CPUs based on the RISC (reduced instruction set computer) architecture developed by Advanced RISC Machines (ARM). ARM Processor Features Include: Load/store architecture. Enhanced power-saving design. 64 and 32-bit execution states for scalable high performance.
ARM Data Types ARM Processor support data type of 8 bit 16 bit 32 bit
ARM Data-types The architecture support three alternative 1. Default case 2. Alignment checking 3. Unaligned Access
Types of Operation Data Transfer Arithmetic Logical Conversion I/O System Control Transfer of Control 18
Data Transfer Operation Name Move Store Load (Fetch) Exchange Clear (Reset) Set Push Pop 19
Arithmetic Add Subtract Multiply Divide Increment (a++) Decrement (a--) Negate (-a) 20
Shift and Rotate Operations
Conversion Translate It Translates value in a memory based on operation perform Convert Convert the content of the word from one from to another 22
Input / Output May be specific instructions May be done using data movement instructions (memory mapped) May be done by a separate controller (DMA) 23
Systems Control System control instruction are those that can be execution only while the processor is in the certain privileged state. 24
Branch instruction A branch instruction, also called a jump instruction, has as one of its operands the address of the next instruction to be executed Two type of branches : conditional branch unconditional branch There are four different conditional branch instructions: BRP X Branch to location X if result is positive. BRN X Branch to location X if result is negative. BRZ X Branch to location X if result is zero. BRO X Branch to location X if overflow occurs.
Skip Instructions Another form of transfer-of-control instruction is the skip instruction. The skip instruction includes an implied address A typical example is the increment-and-skip-if-zero (ISZ) instruction.
Procedure call instruction
Processor Action On Various Types Of Operation Data Transfer Arithmetic Logical Conversion I/O System Control Transfer of Control 25
X-86 Operation Data Movement Arithmetic Logical Control Transfer String Operation High Level Language Support Flag Control Segment Register Protection Cache Mgt.
X86 operation : 1. Data movement PUSH PUSH A MOVSX LEA XLAT IN/OUT
5.String operation MOVS LODS 6. High level language support ENTER LEAVE BOUND
7. Flag Control STC – set carry flag LAHF – Load AH register 8. Segment Register LDS – Load pointer into DS HLT – halt LOCK – lock on memory ESC – Escape WAIT
9. Protection SGDT – store global descriptor table LSL – load segment limit VERR/VERW – Verify segment for read/write 10. Cache Management INVD – internal cache memory is removed WB-INVD – memory is cleared after writing INV LPG – invalidates a translation look aside buffer
Status Flags The processor uses the status flag to reflect the result of an operation. The status flags are located in the bits 0,2,4,6,7 and 11. Carry Flag (CF) CF=1 if there is a carry out from the most significant bit (MSB) on addition, or there is borrow into the MSB on subtraction. CF also contains the last bit of a shift or rotate instruction. Parity flag (PF) PF=1 if the low byte of a result has an even number of ones (Even parity). Auxiliary carry Flag (AF) AF=1 if there was a carry from or borrow to bits 0-3 in the AL register. Zero Flag (ZF) ZF=1 if the result is zero. Sign Flag (SF) SF=1 if the most significant bit of the result is 1. (i.e.) the result is negative. Overflow Flag (OF) OF=1, if the result is too large positive number, or is too small negative number to fit into the destination operand.
The control flags are used to enable or disable certain operations of the processor. The control flags are located in the bits 8, 9, and 10. Trap Flag (TF) If TF=1, then single-step interrupt will occur after the next instruction. Debugger programs such as DEBUG set the trap flag, so that we can step through the execution single step at a time to examine its effect on registers and memory. Interrupt Flag (IF) Indicates that all the external interrupts such as keyboard entry are to be processed or ignored. IF=0 then inputs from the keyboard are ignored by the processor. Direction Flag (DF) If set then string manipulation instructions will auto-decrement index registers. If cleared then the index registers will be auto-incremented.
ARM operation types Load And Store Instructions Branch Instructions Data Processing Instructions Multiply Instructions Parallel Addition And Subtraction Instructions Extend Instructions Status Register
Condition codes of ARM The ARM architecture defines four condition flags that are stored in the program status register: ---- N, Z, C, and V with meanings essentially the same as the S, Z, C, and V flags in the x86 architecture.
Two uses of condition flag All instructions, not just branch instructions, include a condition code field, which means that virtually all instructions may be conditionally executed. All data processing instructions (arithmetic, logical) include an S bit that signifies whether the instruction updates the condition flags.