PHED 1 Opportunities for Participation Concepts of Physical Activity AS PE PHED 1 Opportunities for Participation Concepts of Physical Activity
Play Definition – An activity that is undertaken purely for enjoyment or amusement and has no other objective Characteristics – Spontaneous, fun, rules are changeable, negotiated and freely accepted, not strictly structured, participant numbers vary, boundaries and be negotiated to fit local conditions, length of play activity of flexible Examples - Tag, stuck in the mud, cops and robbers, bulldog Benefits to individual/ society– learn structures and etiquette of social interaction, learn to accept rules, understand they can change a situation by imposing ideas, learn to accommodate the situation to fit in, learn to share, escape pressures of everyday life. Can test boundaries, experience risk, independence and self esteem, respect, creativity and fantasy
Leisure Definition- Time during which you have no obligations to work or family and are free to engage in self directed and chosen activities. Characteristics- something that is engaged in during free time, used for ease and relaxation, done for enjoyment. Examples- reading, doing nothing, painting, drawing Benefits to individual/society– Relaxation, stress relief, escape reality Active leisure is being physically active during leisure time e.g. jogging, gardening, water aerobics. Characteristics – no need to join a club, don’t need specialist equipment or reach a certain standard.
Recreation Types Definition Characteristics Examples Benefits Standard Engaged in activities that refresh, relax or enable the recreation of oneself after the rigours of work or day-to-day life. Recuperating from stress Refresh mind Relaxation Recreating to do something that interests the individual Painting Drawing Reading Refreshed the mind and body Stress relief, relaxation Escape reality Physical Engaged in physical activity that refresh, relax or enable the recreation of oneself after the rigours of work or day-to-day life. Cycling Jogging Walking Outdoor Recreation that takes places and uses the natural environment Birdwatching Fishing Hiking
Outdoor and Adventerous Activities Definition Characteristics Examples Benefits to individual and society Physical recreation that requires and makes use of the natural environment Take place outdoors Have an adventurous component Involve physical activity Respect the natural environment Urban Adventure Parkour Paintballing Adventure Playgrounds Sporting Adventure Skiing Sledging Rock climbing Canoeing Sailing Mountain biking Surfing Orienteering Engaging with learning about and enjoying natural environment Escaping day to day life Experiencing dear and excitmenet and exhileration Develop self reliance Developing self knowledge Experiencing the problems and satisfaction or leadership and decision making Develop of team work and trust
Continued… Adventure education – an adventure activity that is undertaken as part of a school or education programme, with educational objectives. Outdoor education - school work, lessons or curriculum activity that takes place in the natural environment. Perceived Risk – participant believes them self to be at risk or in some form of danger. Linked to the performers level and experience of the skill. (subjective risk) Actual Risk – situation carries a level of risk or danger regardless of the skill or experience of the participant. (objective risk)
Sport Benefits to individual and society Challenging oneself Types Definition Characteristics Examples Benefits to individual and society Sport An activity involving physical exertion in which an individual or team competes against another. Competitive Teamwork Physically talented and skilful Chance Training Clear outcome Clear rules Sportsmanship Fair play Rugby Football Basketball Lacrosse Horse riding Golf Baseball Softball Netball Boules Challenging oneself Fulfilling individual potential and talent Release of tension and stress Building self esteem Achieving Success Developing health and fitness Accepting rules and decisions Teamwork and leadership Developing fair play Socialisation Prevention of antisocial behaviour Development of economic benefits to individuals and society through sport related business and business activity Reducing social unrest Improving international relationships Improvement in social morale Institutionalised Activities Fixed set of competitive strucutres Set of standardised rules that governs each compeititive encounter Rules enforced by officials Code of conduct Range of strategies for play Cricket Tennis
Physical Education Definition Characteristics Examples Benefits A formalised body of knowledge and experience taught within educational establishments Learnt through undertaking physical activity Concerned with learning fundamental motor skills Learning rules, tactics and etiquette Develop social attitudes Understanding of health realted fitness Develop lifelong love with exercise Primary school Secondary school Acceptance of rules Consideration of others Teamwork Leadership Independent moral judgements Acquire and develop skills Evaluate and improve performance Understand fitness and health