Together We Move South Africa Forward Presentation outline Mandate of the Department DMV Approved Budget Programme Structure DMV Overall 1st Quarterly Performance Analysis Performance against Set Targets as Per Programme – 2015/16FY APP Performance Ratings: Determining Levels of Performance Programme 1: Administration Programme 2: Socio-Economic Support (SES) Programme 3: Empowerment and Stakeholder Management (ESM) Overview of Performance on Human Resource Targets and Compliance Performance on Financial Information Measures to resolve Audit Outcomes Conclusion Together We Move South Africa Forward
Mandate of the Department Legislative mandate derived from the Military Veterans Act 18 of 2011: To provide national policy and standards on socio-economic support to military veterans and their dependants, including benefits and entitlements to help realise a dignified, unified, empowered and self-sufficient community of military veterans. Together We Move South Africa Forward
DMV Approved Budget Programme Structure Sub-Programmes Administration Management Corporate Services Financial Administration Internal Audit Strategic Planning, Policy Development, Monitoring and Evaluation Office Accommodation Socio-Economic Support Database and Benefits management Health-care and Well being services Socio-Economic Support Management Empowerment and Stakeholder Management Provincial Offices and Stakeholder Relations Empowerment and Skills Development Heritage, Memorials, Burials and Honours Together We Move South Africa Forward
DMV Overall 1st Quarterly Performance Analysis The Department is committed to 22 performance targets over the quarter under review. Of the 22 performance targets which the department reported on, 13 targets were achieved, which constitute to 59% overall achievement of the targeted performance compared to the performance commitments set for the 1st quarter. As at 30 June 2015 the department spent 10% of its budget which constitute to R61 million with the variance of 14% (R84 million). Underneath is the comparative analysis of the non-financial performance per programme during the 1st Quarter of the 2015/16 FY. Administration SES ESM Total Targets Planned 12 3 22 Targets achieved 10 2 1 13 Performance rating 83% 67% 33% 59% Departmental Performance = No. of targets achieved x 100 Total no of targets = 13 x 100 22 = 59% The department recorded 59% performance during the Quarter under review.
Together We Move South Africa Forward PERFORMANCE AGAINST SET TARGETS AS PER THE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2015/16FY Together We Move South Africa Forward
Performance Ratings: Determining Levels of Performance Underneath is the breakdown of performance ratings in percentage form: Target achieved: refers to 95-100% targets that were fully achieved Targets partially achieved: refers to 60% to 94% of the targets were achieved Targets not achieved: refers to 0%-59% of the targets were not achieved The overall progress of each performance indicator and targets is rated using a legend according to the three performance colour codes provided by the National Treasury. The Legend Colour Coding Target achieved 95% -100% Target partially achieved 50% - 94% Target not achieved 0%-49% (less than 50%) Together We Move South Africa Forward
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION PERFORMANCE INDICATORS AND TARGETS (1) PPI No. Performance Indicator as per the APP Annual Target for 2015/16 as per the APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output - validated Major Variance Initiatives/ mitigation strategies to address the variance Overall progress of indicator (Green, Amber or Red) PPI: 101 PPI 101: Percentage of SMS financial disclosure submitted to PSC 100% N/A PPI: 102 PPI 102: DMV Planning instruments approved and submitted to NT, AGSA, DPME and Parliament on time Strategic Plan and APP developed, approved and submitted to NT, AGSA, DPME and Parliament on time. guidelines and approved Executive Authority and submitted to Parliament on time according to deadlines Draft DMV Strategic Plan and APP developed for consultation A request for inputs for the development of 2016/17 APP was distributed to all Branches as planned Quarterly reports approved and submitted to NT, AGSA, DPME and Parliament on time Quarterly reports approved and submitted to NT, AGSA, DPME and Parliament on time DMV 4th quarterly report submitted to NT, AGSA and DPME DMV approved 4th quarterly report submitted to NT, AGSA and DPME Together We Move South Africa Forward
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION PERFORMANCE INDICATORS AND TARGETS (2) PPI No. Performance Indicator as per the APP Annual Target for 2015/16 as per the APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output - validated Major Variance Initiatives/ mitigation strategies to address the variance Overall progress of indicator (Green, Amber or Red) Audited Annual Report approved and submitted to NT, AGSA, DPME and Parliament on time Audited Annual Report approved and submitted to NT, AGSA and DPME DMV Annual Report submitted to NT, AGSA and DPME Draft DMV Annual Report submitted to NT, AGSA and DPME N/A PPI: 103 Number of meetings held to discuss MPAT Improvement Plan 4 1 PPI: 104 Percentage of Communication Strategy activities implemented 50% 00% EXCO proposed for all officials to engage in information sharing session. PPI: 105 Percentage of cases from the Presidential Hotline resolved 100% PPI: 106 Number of MSP implementation reports developed The Unit conducted the analyses towards the implementation of DMV ICT Master Plan Data Together We Move South Africa Forward
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION PERFORMANCE INDICATORS AND TARGETS (3) PPI No. Performance Indicator as per the APP Annual Target for 2015/16F as per the APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output - validated Major Variance Initiatives/mitigation strategies to address the variance Overall progress of indicator (Green, Amber or Red) PPI: 107 Percentage of staff attended training initiatives 100% 25% 29% +4% N/A PPI: 108 Percentage of signed Performance Agreement submitted to HRM 30% 70% Communication with Senior managers to be fast tracked so as to comply with the prescripts PPI: 109 Percentage staffing of vacant funded posts 90% 80% PPI: 110 Number of days to settle outstanding payments <30 days 58% invoices paid within 30 days 42% of invoices not paid within 30 days The department will conduct regular monitoring for the payment of invoices with 30 days. Together We Move South Africa Forward
Q1 Performance Analysis: Programme 1: Administration Planned targets Achieved targets Targets not achieved Targets 12 10 2 Performance rating 100% 83% 17% The department planned to achieve 12 targets during the 1st quarter and as a result 10 targets were achieved which constitute to 83% achievement. This indicates that the actual achievements are measuring to acceptable performance standards. As at 30 June 2015 the department spent 14% of its budget which constitute to R21 million with the variance of 11% (R51 million). Departmental Performance = No. of targets achieved x 100 Total no of targets = 10 x 100 12 = 83% The department recorded 83% performance during the Quarter under review. Together We Move South Africa Forward
PROGRAMME 2: SES PERFORMANCE AGAINST INDICATORS AND TARGETS (1) PPI No. Performance Indicator as per APP Annual Target for 2015/16 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per the APP 1st Quarter Actual output- validated Major Variance Initiatives/ mitigation strategies to address the variance Overall progress of indicator (Green, Amber or Red) PPI: 201 Percentage of bona fide Military Veterans verified and captured in a secured National Military Veterans' database 80% 50% 23% (13 340 updated files out of 57 802) 27% A project plan for the update of files was developed The department will Set-up a verification consolidation team PPI: 202 Number of military veterans with decent housing per year 3 000 (to be amended to 1 000 pending approval of the errata) - There was no target planned for Q1 PPI: 203 Number of Military Veterans with access to healthcare services per year 8 000 7 000 7 218 +218 N/A Together We Move South Africa Forward
PROGRAMME 2: SES PERFORMANCE AGAINST INDICATORS AND TARGETS (2) PPI No. Performance Indicator as per the APP Annual Target for 2015/16 as per the APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output - validated Major Variance Initiatives/mitigation strategies to address the variance Overall progress of indicator (Green, Amber or Red) PPI: 204 Number of bursaries provided for military veterans and their dependants per year 600 - 3 650 +3 050 The target was moved to Quarter 1 to accommodate Schools and Universities terms. The application process was completed last year for 2015/16FY to ensure students and pupils have funding at beginning of the year. The target is higher as it accommodates the previous year’s students who have not completed their studies. Together We Move South Africa Forward
PROGRAMME 2: SES PERFORMANCE AGAINST INDICATORS AND TARGETS (3) PPI No. Performance Indicator as per the APP Annual Target for 2015/16 as per the APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output - validated Major Variance Initiatives/mitigation strategies (provide initiative to address the variance in a bullet form) Overall progress of indicator (Green, Amber or Red) PPI: 205 Number of military veterans with access to public transport per year 3 000 (to be amended to 1 000 pending approval of the errata) - There was no target planned for Q1 Together We Move South Africa Forward
Q1 Performance Analysis: Programme 2: SES Q1 Performance Analysis Planned targets Achieved targets Targets not achieved Targets 3 2 1 Performance rating 100% 67% 33% Q1 Performance Summary: Socio-Economic Support The department planned to achieve three (3) targets during the first quarter and as a result two (2) targets were achieved which constitute to 67% achievement. This indicates that the actual achievement is measuring to acceptable performance standards. As at 30 June 2015 the department spent 9% of its budget which constitute to R23 million with the variance of 16% (R43 million). Departmental Performance = No. of targets achieved x 100 Total no of targets = 2 x 100 3 = 67% The department recorded 67% performance during the Quarter under review. Together We Move South Africa Forward 15
PROGRAMME 3: ESM PERFORMANCE AGAINST INDICATORS AND TARGETS (1) PPI No. Performance Indicator as per the APP Annual Target for 2015/16 as per the APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output - validated Major Variance Initiatives/mitigation strategies to address the variance Overall progress of indicator (Green, Amber or Red) PPI: 301 Number of private sector companies and organs of state in partnership with the Department of Military Veterans per year 10 5 N/A N/A PPI: 302 Strategic initiatives established at national, continental and international levels per year. 25 The DMV has developed plans for memorials in Lesotho and Botswana. Discussions for the conclusion of a Memorandum of Agreement around the Wall of Remembrance in Kampalla and the Graves in Kawaweta are continuing between DMV and Uganda. Together We Move South Africa Forward
PROGRAMME 3: ESM PERFORMANCE AGAINST INDICATORS AND TARGETS (2) PPI No. Performance Indicator as per the APP Annual Target for 2015/16 as per the APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output - validated Major Variance Initiatives/mitigation strategies to address the variance Overall progress of indicator (Green, Amber or Red) PPI: 303 Number of military veterans to relevant training and skills development year 3 000 500 197 303 The department will inform military veterans of the incomplete documentation and assist them with follow up on outstanding documents PPI: 304 Number of military veterans cooperatives established 40 - There was no target planned for Q1 PPI: 305 Number of military veterans memorial sites erected per year 2 Together We Move South Africa Forward
Q1 Performance Analysis: Programme 3: ESM Q1 Performance Analysis Planned targets Achieved targets Targets not achieved Targets 3 1 2 Performance rating 100% 33% 67% Q1 Performance Summary: Empowerment & Stakeholders Management The department planned to achieve three (3) targets during the 1st quarter and as a result one (1) target was achieved which constitute to 33% achievement. This indicates that the actual achievement is not measuring to the acceptable performance standards. As at 31 June 2015 the department spent 10% of its budget which constitute to R16 million with the variance of 15% (R23 million). . Departmental Performance = No. of targets achieved x 100 Total no of targets = 1 x 100 3 = 33% The department recorded 33% performance during the Quarter under review. Together We Move South Africa Forward
OVERVIEW OF PERFORMANCE ON HUMAN RESOURCE TARGETS AND COMPLIANCE (1) DMV Establishment per salary level Salary Level No. of posts on approved No. of funded posts No. of permanent posts filled as at 30 June 2015 No. of vacant posts No. of permanent posts collapsed No. of Contract posts additional to establishment No. of Interns No. of Learner-ships PSETA 1 – _ 2 - 25 12 3 4 16 5 8 6 28 10 18 35 7 23 15 -2 9 24 27 -3 11 48 42 13 14 Total 169 132 37 61 Together We Move South Africa Forward
OVERVIEW OF PERFORMANCE ON HUMAN RESOURCE TARGETS AND COMPLIANCE (2) Transformation/Equity Statistics per Branch Programme (Permanent) Race and Gender PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION - CORP SERV/ODG/ INT AUDIT PROGRAMME 2: SES PROGRAMME 3: ESM TOTAL African Female 36 10 6 52 Coloured Female - 1 White Female 2 Asian Female Total Female 38 12 56 African Male 39 7 23 69 Asian Male White Male 3 Coloured Male Total Male 42 8 26 76 Total Employees 80 20 32 132 Together We Move South Africa Forward
PERFORMANCE ON FINANCIAL INFORMATION (1) Programme 1: ADMINISTRATION Budget Expenditure per Programme PROGRAMME ANNUAL BUGDET ACTUAL EXPENDITURE AVAILABLE BUDGET % SPENT VARIANCE OF 100% R million R’000 Programme 1: ADMINISTRATION 157 490 21 739 135 751 14 % 11% Programme 2: SES 266 305 23 245 243 060 9% 16% Programme 3: ESM 158 406 16 298 142 108 10% 15% TOTAL 582 201 61 282 520 919 14% Together We Move South Africa Forward
PERFORMANCE ON FINANCIAL INFORMATION (2) Budget Expenditure per Economic Classification PROGRAMME ANNUAL BUGDET ACTUAL EXPENDITURE AVAILABLE BUDGET % SPENT VARIANCE OF 100% R’000 COMPENSATION OF EMPLOYEES 97 485 24 402 73 083 25% 0% GOODS AND SERVICES 263 233 19 214 244 019 7,3% 17,7% TRANSFERS AND SUBSIDIES 218 483 16 488 201 995 7,5% 17,5% PAYMENT TO CAPITAL ASSETS 3 000 1 178 1 822 39% (14)% TOTAL 582 201 61 282 520 919 10,5% 14,5% Together We Move South Africa Forward
Together We Move South Africa Forward Measures to resolve Audit Outcomes Internal Control Audit Outcome Mitigation Strategies Capital and minor assets Assets procured not traced to the asset register – limitation of assets Asset management team appointed to develop a comprehensive asset register. (Operation excellence – OCA) DMV capacity / structure Unbalanced organizational structure - top heavy Engagements are underway with DPSA to address capacity challenges. A service delivery model (SDM) was developed for inputs. Transfer Payment Non-compliance, overstatement, incorrect classification Regular monitoring – assurance certificates, quarterly requested monthly. Payments not settled within 30days Payments not settled within 30 days Appointment of a service providers to set up and improve internal control systems (Operation excellence - OCA) Internal Audit Capacity challenges Appointment of a service providers to address IA capacity. SCM – Procurement process Inadequate procurement process (non-compliance, irregular expenditure) Operation excellence - OCA Together We Move South Africa Forward
Together We Move South Africa Forward Conclusion Successful implementation is reliant on common and shared vision, team work and the appreciation of the strategic role and importance of communication in enhancing service delivery. “If all of us work together as government, business, labour, civil society, the communities and, most importantly, the military veterans themselves, we can only but succeed” — Minister Mapisa-Nqakula (DMV) Together We Move South Africa Forward
Together We Move South Africa Forward Thank you Together We Move South Africa Forward