Report on 2015 and Priorities for 2016-2020 IUCN WCPA Report on 2015 and Priorities for 2016-2020 Elena Nikolaeva/North Eurasia
Priorities/Goals for delivering the PoS in the region PARKS: Valuing and conserving nature Expanding WCPA membership in Russia/CIS 62 members today (18 - in 2013; 26 joined in 2014; 18 in 2015) Diversity across sectors and countries The goal is to engage members in WPCA activities Capacity building and knowledge development Regular trainings and publications for PA managers/business/authorities to recognize and develop good management Communication between WCPA members in the region Quarterly newsletters by WCPA RVC to the members to share news and information in the region – started in 2015 PoS documents translated and disseminated
Priorities/Goals for delivering the PoS in the region PEOPLE: Equitable governance/Inspiring a new generation Maintaining cooperation with key stakeholders Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment – cooperation regarding participation in the WCC and 100th Anniversary of Russian protected areas NGOs, Youth and PA Management Agencies in CIS countries Providing leadership and expertise to promote good governance of protected area management Public awareness about the values of PA for human well-being and livelihoods; promotion of WCPA best practice guidelines Presentation of WCPA activities at various events, including CIS Delivery of WPC and WCC outcomes In 2016 – a brochure with main outcomes of two congresses will be developed and published
Priorities/Goals for delivering the PoS in the region PLANET: Nature-based Solutions Linkages with IUCN/WCPA groups Initiate and join efforts to deploy nature-based solutions to global challenges – TAPA-SG, IUCN Regional office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Transboundary Group, Capacity Development Group, etc Linkages with key Russian stakeholders to organize meaningful participation at the WCC Exhibition on Transboundary conservation efforts, workshops 100th Anniversary of federal-level PA in Russia Development of Centennial Campaign-2017 (national, regional and local levels; fundraising and organization)
Proposed activities for delivering the IUCN Programme in the region 2017-2020 Activity Partners Resources Needs Expanding membership and ENGAGING members Diversity of sectors; youth involvement; СIS countries Enthusiasm Reaching out to PA Agencies Delivery of WPC and WCC outcomes, and incorporation into Programs of Work Government (Ministries), NGOs, protected areas Support from the Ministry Brochure with the outcomes in Rus; Working with stakeholders Capacity building and knowledge development IUCN/WCPA groups PA management agencies Trainings, publications Translation of the documents to Russian Promotion the values and benefits of well-managed system of PAs; PAs as Natural Solutions National governments/ NGOs/businesses/private sector Centennial campaign - 2017 Green List
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