Russia By: Nick Worobij
Where is it located? Russia is located in Eurasia which is on the border of Europe and Asia.
What religion are Russians? Most Russians are Orthodox. Orthodox Russians go to the most famous cathedral called The Assumption.
The Russian Flag The Russian Flag is red, white, and blue just like the American flag, except the story behind it is different. Russia’s independence day began on June 12, 1918 when the Russians defeated the Soviet union.
Russian meals Russians for breakfast usually eat Butterbrots which is a sandwich made with a single slice of bread and ham. Lunch is Russia’s main meal and they eat soup with Kompot which is a non-alcoholic beverage. For dinner the Russians eat ham, potatoes, and fish followed by vodka for a drink.
Russian Sports The most common game that people in Russia play is hockey. One of the best hockey players is on our very own Pittsburgh Penguin team and he is Russian. His name is Evgeni Malkin.
Russian Dancing If you are interested in what Russian dances look like, then you can visit one of the Duquesne University’s Tamburitzan concerts.