STUDY SKILLS Pay attention in class Take good notes
Keep an organised Notebook Ask questions in class
Plan a definite study time Don’t cram for hours the and place for each day night before a test or exam
INDEPENDENT LEARNERS The following are characteristics of a successful student. Develop these in yourself Ask questions Discuss topics with your peers If you don’t understand something, speak up
SOME TIPS Don’t study after 11.00pm Don’t make study sessions too long Drink some water before you start Break tasks down into smaller manageable ones Do daily summaries of work covered in class in your own words under Main Points Set a task to achieve for each session
Visual Learners: Maps Posters Charts Spider diagrams Cartoons Summary notes Mental pictures Mind maps
Use post-it notes, strategically placed around your home, to remind you of important facts.
If you are a visual learner try using mind maps to help you revise.
Go through your notes highlighting the most important bits. Summarise you original class notes onto smaller revision cards, including only the most important information.
Exchange ideas with your friends Play quiet, relaxing background music Auditory Learners: Record ideas Say keywords aloud Tell another person Make a presentation Get someone to test you Exchange ideas with your friends Play quiet, relaxing background music
If you are an auditory learner you might try recording your own notes and listening to them last thing at night or on your MP3 player on the way to & from school.
Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain For really tricky words or phrases, write your own mnemonic to help you remember. Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain
Kinesthetic Learners: Walk ‘n’ talk Draw cartoons Posters & storyboards Make a model Role play/drama Make a mind map Write a story Annotate diagrams Make cue/flash cards