References 46 CFR 31.05-10 33 CFR 156.118 NVIC 7-87 located at: https://www.uscg.mil/hq/cg5/nvic/pdf/1987/n 7-87.pdf MSU Morgan City MSIB 10 – 16 MSU Morgan City MSIB 15 – 16
BACKGROUND The purpose of this bulletin is to reiterate the requirements for carrying oil field waste and other oily waste mixtures in hopper barges in the Morgan City OCMI zone.
COMMON OIL FIELD WASTE Oil-based drilling mud and cuttings Drilling, work over and completion fluids Waste from salvage oil operators who only receive waste oil from oil and gas leases. Produced oily sands and solids. Salt water (produced brine or produced water) Water-based drilling mud and cutting. Waste from commercial treatment facilities.
Vessel Loading These barges must be loaded in accordance with the COI, which… specifically restricts the liquid content of the material to no more than 40% by volume; contain no free oil; and the material must be unpumpable by conventional means.
Vessel Loading Also, the COI states that the barge cannot be loaded past a certain draft reading; and during loading and prior to vessel movement, oil field waste should be distributed uniformly to minimize hull stresses, trim and list.
Transfer Operations In accordance with 33 CFR 156.118, the COTP requires that the facility operator notify the COTP of the time and place of each transfer operation at least 4-hours before it begins, or as soon as practicable.
Transfer Operations This requirement applies to all fixed or mobile facility operators transferring oil or hazardous materials, in any amount, on the navigable waters or contiguous zone of the United States to, from, or within each vessel or barge with a total capacity of 250 barrels or more. In addition, it also applies to vessel to vessel/barge cargo transfers of oil or hazardous material with a capacity of 250 barrels or more.
Discharge / Release All operators are reminded that discharge of this material into federal waters is a violation of 33 USC 1321 and subject to civil penalty procedures prescribed. You are also strongly encouraged to review your vessel; stability letter and COI to minimize potential risks to the environment.
Questions For questions or comments, please contact LCDR Jennifer Hnatow, Chief, Inspections, at 985- 380-5380. For discharges or releases contact the National Response Center at 1-800-424-8802. Transfer notification shall be made by fax to (985) 380-5317 or by email at, facilities@uscg.mil