What are the 3 Major Parts of the Earth?
Lithosphere Solid shell of the Earth composed of rock and soil that surrounds the more fluid inner layers. Thickest beneath the mountains Thinnest beneath the oceans Two most common elements (oxygen and silicon)
Hydrosphere The Waters that surround the Earth. 71 % of the Earth is covered by water (blue planet) 97 % of all the water on the earth is salt water 3% fresh water (most stored in ice)
ATMOSPHERE Shell of gases that surround the earth Handy Dandy ESRT 78% Nitrogen 21% Oxygen 1% minor gases (argon, neon, co2 , water vapor) Atmosphere is divided into layers according to their properties (temperatures)
Atmosphere Layers Troposphere – 1st layer of the atmosphere (closest to the earth) - Most of the Water vapor (highest clouds) Stratosphere – Planes fly in stratosphere to avoid the weather in the troposphere. Ozone layer – absorbs uv radiation and prevents it from reaching the earth. UV rays cause skin cancer Mesosphere
Thermosphere Meteors Ionosphere (part of mesosphere and thermosphere) Aurora’s (Northern lights) - the result of large charged particles colliding. - electrons but also may include the occasional protons. In the upper atmosphere, atoms and molecules are excited by the collisions that take place. The energy produced is then used up by the light that it omits.