The World of Music 6th edition Part 1 Preparation for Listening Chapter 1: Introducing the World of Music
A Global Perspective Part I Preparation for Listening Chapter 1 Introducing the World of Music
Music in Culture Part I Preparation for Listening Chapter 1 Introducing the World of Music
Music Labels Can you name a recording (or musical event) that combines two or more styles? Part I Preparation for Listening Chapter 1 Introducing the World of Music
Business of Music Manufacturing and Merchandising Performance of Music Music Publishing Advertising Music in our Communities Part I Preparation for Listening Chapter 1 Introducing the World of Music
Manufacturing and Merchandising Band and Orchestra Electronic Instruments Pianos and Organs Part I Preparation for Listening Chapter 1 Introducing the World of Music
Performance of Music Radio College/University sponsored Concerts Community ensembles Local festivals Clubs Churches Part I Preparation for Listening Chapter 1 Introducing the World of Music
Music Publishing Scores and parts for ensembles Sheet music (for home use) Textbook and magazine publishing Copyright law Part I Preparation for Listening Chapter 1 Introducing the World of Music
Advertising Commercial advertising provides employment for composers and performers. The effect of music on consumers. Part I Preparation for Listening Chapter 1 Introducing the World of Music
Music in the Community Music making and listening Music is an important element of American society. The music industry employs many people who are not musicians. Many volunteer groups support local musical activities. Music is also supported by all levels of government and local businesses. Part I Preparation for Listening Chapter 1 Introducing the World of Music
Chapter Summary What purpose does music serve in society? What can we learn from studying the music or other cultures? Why do you listen to music? What problems arise from rigid labeling of musical genres? What careers are available in music that do not involve performing or composing? Part I Preparation for Listening Chapter 1 Introducing the World of Music
Image Credits Slide 2 TRBfoto/Getty Images Slide 3 Photo Courtesy of Lee, Youmin Slide 5 Ryan McVay/Getty Images Part I Preparation for Listening Chapter 1 Introducing the World of Music