Civil Rights Movement EOC
Civil Rights leader who supported nonviolence, civil disobedience, boycotts, and marches and opposed segregation
Martin Luther King Jr.
Civil rights leader who favored a more aggressive approach to achieving civil rights
Malcolm X
Founder of the NAACP; believed African Americans should go to college
W.E.B. Dubois
Believed African Americans should achieve gradual equality with job training and learning a skill or trade
Booker T. Washington
Helped end racial segregation in Major League Baseball
Jackie Robinson
Gave rights as citizens and equal protection under the law
14th Amendment
Gave African Americans the right to vote
15th Amendment
Enforced racial segregation and kept African Americans from voting and achieving racial equality
Jim Crow Laws
Prohibited the poll tax
24th Amendment
Eliminated the literacy test
Voting Rights Act 1965
Outlawed discrimination and segregation in public places and prohibited discrimination in hiring
Civil Rights Act 1964
Gave women the right to vote
19th Amendment
Ruled that segregation of blacks and whites was legal
Plessy v. Ferguson 1896
Ruled segregation of children in public schools was harmful and unconstitutional
Brown v. Board of Education 1954
Attorney for NAACP who won Brown v Board case and later became first African American Supreme Court Justice
Thurgood Marshall
Enforced the decision in Brown v Board by sending troops to allow desegregation of public high school
President Eisenhower Central High School Little Rock
Supreme Court ruled University of Texas Law School must enroll African Americans
Sweatt v. Painter 1950
Mexican Americans have a right to a jury of their peers
Hernandez v. Texas 1954
Segregation of children in Texas public schools is unconstitutional
Delgado v. Bastrop ISD 1948
Arrest for refusal to sit in back of bus led to Montgomery Bus Boycott
Rosa Parks
Sold his restaurant rather than serve African Americans
Lester Maddox
Interracial groups rode buses in South to protest racial segregation in public places
Freedom Rides
Governor of Alabama who stood in doorway at University of Alabama to prevent African American students from enrolling
George Wallace
Programs designed to increase minority representation in colleges, businesses, and professions
Affirmative Action
Supreme Court ruled that race cannot be the only factor for admission
Regents of the University of California v. Bakke
Voting districts must be equally proportioned and represented
Reynolds v. Sims