AD for FE,WBL, ACL, Careers, Offender Learning. Inspection 2010 Lin Howells HMI AD for FE,WBL, ACL, Careers, Offender Learning.
Nodweddion allweddol Key features greater emphasis on building capacity for self-improvement stronger role for self-evaluation greater focus on customer satisfaction mwy o bwyslais ar adeiladu’r gallu i hunan-wella rôl mwy canolog i hunan-arfarnu mwy o ffocws ar foddhad cwsmeriaid
Nodweddion allweddol - parhad Key features continued greater learner involvement improved reporting on wellbeing more accessible reports cynnwys dysgwyr yn fwy gwell adrodd ar les adroddiadau mwy hygyrch
Tîm Arolygu Inspection Team
Setting up an inspection Inspection co-ordinators Key points of ongoing contact in the new system Set up the inspection Process worked well on pilots
Virtual inspection room
Lines of enquiry Smaller inspection teams focused on lines of enquiry The role of the pre-inspection commentary Finding and exploring relevant issues
Skills Inspectors focused more on skills, especially literacy skills Importance of basic skills screening outcomes in judging progress Talking to learners about the support they receive
Three sectors in one inspection Deploy inspectors across the three sectors Consider outcomes and data from the three sectors
Graddfa barnau Judgement Scale Pedair barn: Rhagorol Llawer o gryfderau, gan gynnwys enghreifftiau arwyddocaol o arfer sy’n arwain y sector Da Llawer o gryfderau a dim meysydd pwysig y mae angen eu gwella’n sylweddol Digonol Cryfderau yn gorbwyso meysydd i’w gwella Anfoddhaol Meysydd pwysig i’w gwella yn gorbwyso cryfderau Four judgements: Excellent Many strengths, including significant examples of sector-leading practice Good Many strengths and no important areas requiring significant improvement Adequate Strengths outweigh areas for improvement Unsatisfactory Important areas for improvement outweigh strengths
Fframwaith 2010 The 2010 framework Summary Overall judgement Prospects for improvement Crynodeb Barn gyffredinol Rhagolygon gwella
Sector-leading practice