What’s New in ProgressBook v16.2.0 ProgressBook Suite Webinar StudentInformation November 2016 Devin Launder Janet Hayes
v16.2.0 StudentInformation
v16.2.0 StudentInformation Student Middle Name added to student search results
v16.2.0 StudentInformation 2017-2018 added to dropdown #10267 – Registration Wizard was saving NULL value to Retained Status field on the Profile – FN Attributes instead of ‘*’. #11408 – Teacher’s name was overlapping on Student Marks page #11343 – Display options were overlapping on the Student Marks Entry and Course Section Mark Entry pages
v16.2.0 StudentInformation #11211 – Dropped & withdrawn courses aren’t highlighted on student marks screen
v16.2.0 StudentInformation Pre-Ident for EOC and Next Generation 3-8 Updated Now includes Run date for Enrollment Students enrolled by the specified date will be included on the Pre-ID file SSST sets a default date, users can change it for the run
v16.2.0 StudentInformation Student Profile Bulk Update #2322e - Added the ability to mass update Limited English Proficiency status on the FD record
v16.2.0 StudentInformation #11558 – Added School Years 2013 and 2014 to the fiscal year dropdown on the End of Course Assessment records Maintenance page Allows user to add EOC records to indicate a student took a course prior to the EOC assessment being available
v16.2.0 StudentInformation #11556 - ACT Maintenance page updated to prompt for subject scores in the same order as the report from the Assessment company when adding a new record #10977 – Copy County of Registration Default to the next school year when School Year Initialization is processed was fixed.
v16.2.0 StudentInformation #11276 – Unable to search for students upon initial login to StudentInformation The ‘You do Not Have Access to View the Requested Page’ error received when first logging in and using the student search box has been resolved and is no longer received. #11584, Updates to UNCLEMIS Error FN07E The FN07E Error (- FN07E - ERROR: High school student is missing 'Fiscal Year Began 9th Grade' (07/01/2016) is now only received for the following situations: Students in Grades 9-13 and 23 who are actively enrolled and who do not have a Fiscal Year Began 9th value on the Student Profile, FN Attributes tab Students in Grades 9-13 and 23 who were withdrawn during the school year (not summer withdrawn) and who do not have a Fiscal Year Began 9th value on the Student Profile, FN Attributes tab
v16.2.0 StudentInformation End of Course Assessments Import Process Updated for Display Items Test record that was taken in Fall 2016 (Fiscal Year 2017), the import will bring the date in as Fall 2016 and the record will display as Fall 2016 Assessments previously labeled as Fall 2016 (Fiscal Year 2016), but were actually taken in Fall 2015 are updated to display Fall 2015 Assessments will now display in chronological order on the Assessment Maintenance pages Period A & Period G Assessment Transfer The CTE Industry Assessment (GU) records transfer is no longer available in the transfer process for FY17 forward; this record is no longer EMIS reportable The End of Course Assessment (GE) records transfer will now include all past and present End of Course Assessment records for a student
v16.2.0 StudentInformation Next Generation Assessments OELPA The Period A Assessment Transfer for Fall Block Next Generation Assessments (GN) has been updated to use a test date value of November instead of December (201611) OELPA The OELPA Maintenance Page has been added beginning in the 15/16 school year The OELPA (GF) records transfer has been added to Period A Assessment Transfers beginning in the 15/16 school year
v16.2.0 StudentInformation School Year Initialization The Special Education Date Type Event ‘FIEP’ is no longer copied up when SYI is processed Disability Alert Icon The previous Disability Alert icon has been replaced throughout the application with the Universal Access icon
v16.2.0 StudentInformation Updates to EMIS Situations for PS students Situations Being Updated for Regular Districts Students with Situation 396 updated to Situation 395, Resident PS Head Start or Other Funded PS, Situation 396 deactivated How Received ‘*’; How Received IRN ‘******’ Situations 450 & 451 deactivated Situations Being Updated for JVSDs Students with Situation 392 updated to Situation 391, PS Head Start or Other Funding, Situation 392 deactivated How Received ‘*’; How Received IRN ‘Not Current District’ If you applied the script to 16.1.4, these updates have already been applied at your location. However, if you did not apply the script, these updates will take place in 16.2.
v16.2.0 StudentInformation Updates to EMIS Situations for PS students, cont’d Situations Being Updated for ESCs Students with Situation 405 & 406 updated to Situation 404, PS Court Placed in Sending District – PS ECE Grant at ESC, Situations 405 & 406 deactivated How Received ‘E’; How Received IRN ‘Not Current District’ Students with Situation 388 updated to Situation 387, PS ESC Providing Instruction and Related Services, Situation 388 deactivated How Received ‘H’; How Received IRN ‘Not Current District’ If you applied the script to 16.1.4, these updates have already been applied at your location. However, if you did not apply the script, these updates will take place in 16.2.
Thank you Thank You!!