Mine Gasses
Carbon Monoxide
Physical State Colorless Odorless Tasteless
Carbon Monoxide is explosive Flammability Carbon Monoxide is explosive
incomplete combustion Sources Produced by incomplete combustion
Route of Exposure Absorbed in body through inhalation
Health Hazards Hemeglobin has an affinity to carbon monoxide 200 - 300 times that of oxygen
Exposure Levels Current MSHA allowable exposure level for an 8 hour shift is 50 ppm or, 0.005%
Possible mild frontal headache in 2 - 3 hours Effects Concentration 200 PPM (0.02%) Effect Possible mild frontal headache in 2 - 3 hours
Frontal headache & nausea in 1 - 2 hours Effects Concentration 400 PPM (0.04%) Effect Frontal headache & nausea in 1 - 2 hours
Effects Concentration 800 PPM (0.08%) Effect Headache, dizziness, & nausea in 45 minutes Collapse, unconsciousness & death in 2 hours
Effects Concentration 1600 PPM (0.16%) Effect Headache, dizziness, & nausea in 20 minutes Collapse, unconsciousness & death in 2 hours
Effects Concentration 3200 PPM (0.32%) Effect Headache, dizziness, & nausea in 5 to 10 minutes Collapse, unconsciousness & death in 30 minutes
Unconscious & death in 1 - 3 minutes Effects Concentration 12,800 PPM (1.28%) Effect Unconscious & death in 1 - 3 minutes
Carbon Dioxide
Physical State Colorless Odorless
Flammability Not flammable
Produced by complete combustion of carbon material Sources Produced by complete combustion of carbon material
Absorbed in body through inhalation Route of Exposure Absorbed in body through inhalation
Inhalation may cause hyperventilation & unconsciousness Health Hazards Inhalation may cause hyperventilation & unconsciousness
Exposure Levels Current MSHA allowable exposure level for 8 hour shift is 5000 ppm or, 0.5%.
Physical State Reddish brown and / or yellow liquid with pungent odor
Flammability Not flammable
Sources Produced by diesel exhaust, explosives detonation, & decay of plant material
through inhalation or ingestion Route of Exposure Absorbed in body through inhalation or ingestion
Reacts with water to form nitrous acid Health Hazards Reacts with water to form nitrous acid
Exposure Levels Current MSHA allowable exposure level for 8 hour shift is 3 ppm Short term exposure limit is 5 ppm