Step by Step Setting up basic social networking
Step 1 – Set up email and Google Set up an email to be the link/log in across the systems: hotmail, yahoo or work; anything but gmail Then go to Google and set up a Google account using the email you just set up as the link/log in. Sue Fidler
Step 2 - Blogs Log in to Google, click on Settings/Google Account Settings - if blogger doesn’t appear click ‘more’ and find blogger Create a blog using the blog name you have decided Sue Fidler
Step 2 – Blog settings Check the following: Settings: Formatting rules for date, time etc Comments/moderation/notifications Archive frequency – normally set to monthly Sue Fidler
Step 2 – Blog design Set the design for the blog: In Template Designer: Set the template layout In advanced set colours for the scheme In Page Elements: Upload a header image to replace the title Add an “about me” paragraph Add an image/photo if relevant Add a gadget called FEED which offers an RSS Feed You can drag and drop the widgets around the page Sue Fidler
Step 3 – Set up a Facebook profile Open Create a basic profile using your “SN” email address, complete the basic information as if you were a generic member of staff so that if people do find the profile it seems like a member of staff. Upload a photo or the organisation’s logo Complete the bio with some basic information Add employer Add the website Sue Fidler
Step 3 – Set up a Facebook page Either go to Account/Help and type in Set up a Page and follow the answers or go to!/pages/create.php Choose Brand, product or organisation: Non-profit Type in your chosen organisation name. Take care and double check as it is extremely difficult to change the spelling after launching the page Upload your logo or good photo representing your work Input your organisational information Input your “founded” – this doesn’t have to be a date but can be a reason Invite staff and friends to “like” your page before publicising it – once you have 40 “likes” you can claim your own URL like Sue Fidler
Step 4 – Set up Twitter Set up a Twitter account, again be careful as the spelling can’t be changed In my account set the location If you want to tweet from a mobile you can set it up in “mobile” Choose how many “notices” you want to receive Add your profile image and information Sue Fidler
Step 4 – Set up Twitter design In the design tab you can upload a background and change the colour scheme. If you don’t know your brand colours in hex web code but you do know the RGB you can use In Change design colors you can set the font colour, link colour and sidebar colours You can set a block background colour if you don’t want an image In Change background image you can choose not to have a background or upload your own background image Sue Fidler