My Birthday By: Treston Hardin
What My Name Means My name means that I am spontaneous, happy-go-lucky, and I enjoy the company of others—the more the merrier.
How Many Days Old I Am I have lived 5769 days, or 15 years, 9 months, 17 days. I also have lived, 498,441,600 seconds,8,307,360 minutes, 138,456 hours, 824 weeks
What Happened on My Birthday Battle of Little Big Horn, Korean War begins, Congress passes Mann Act, Hurricane Audrey hits Gulf Coast, Michael Jackson dies.
On This Day- The New York Times
What Else is News? Stamp: $0.32/Each Bread: $0.88/Loaf House: $166,400 Car: $18,563 Gas: $1.29/Gal Avg. Income: $53, 676/yr President: Bill Clinton Vice President: Al Gore Best Picture: The English Patient Top Songs: Give Me One Reason, Always Be My Baby, Macarena, Because You Loved Me, The Crossroads. Sport Headlines: Joe Louis defeats Jersey Joe Walcott.