Student-led learning and discussion Book Reports Student-led learning and discussion Updated: 6/10/2018
“Speed Learning” Of all of the topics covered in this class, why is the theme of this book the most important to you? What are two or three key ideas (“take-aways”) from the book? Anything else you would like to add.
Student-Professional Book Drucker, P. (1966), The Effective Executive. Student-Professional Yiran Song
Student-Professionals Book Branson, R. (2004), Losing My Virginity. Student-Professionals Katya Kandrashyna Alexander Scott
Student-Professionals Book Isaacson, W. (2011), Steve Jobs: A Biography. Student-Professionals Michelle Macalintal Danny Villatoro Gallo, C. (2010), The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs. Student-Professional Sokhna Mbacke
Student-Professionals Book Cockerell, L. (2008), Creating Magic. Student-Professionals Julian Banks Johnathan Leitheiser Capodagli, W., and Jackson, L. (2007), The Disney Way. Student-Professional Maya Blackburn
Student-Professional Book Kahneman, D. (2011), Thinking Fast and Slow. Student-Professional Eddie Ramirez
Student-Professionals Book Lewis, M. (2004), MONEYBALL: The Art of Winning and Unfair Game. Student-Professionals Rosslynn Bledsoe Audra Boyd Luis Manalo Kyle Murata
Student-Professional Book Heyman, R. (1994), Why Didn’t You Say That in the First Place? Student-Professional Osvaldo Arteaga Thomas, D. (2008), Cross Cultural Management: Essential Concepts. Mitchell Greenwald
Student-Professional Book Spence, G. (1995), How to Argue and Win Every Time. Student-Professional Destiny Mitchell Ury, W. (1993), Getting Past No: Negotiating Your Way from Confrontation to Cooperation. Samantha Pepiot
Student-Professional Book Foray, D. (2006), The Economics of Knowledge. Student-Professional David Murillo Styhre, A. (2003), Understanding Knowledge Management. Darlene Ortiz Rud, O. (2009), Business Intelligence Success Factors Ivy Trejo
Student-Professional Book Kouzes, J., and Poser, B. (2002), The Leadership Challenge, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Student-Professional Damian Rickman
Student-Professional Book Bennis, W. (1994), On Becoming a Leader (revised ed.), Perseus Books. Student-Professional Michael Singletary