pink shirt day February 22, 2017
Pink shirt day started in Canada
Workplace Bullying is… Spread kindness and make the Pink Shirt Promise to end bullying Workplace Bullying is… any inappropriate conduct towards a worker that the person knew or ought to have known would cause that worker to be intimidated or humiliated.
Criticism, isolation, exclusion, humiliation, destructive gossip. Spread kindness and make the Pink Shirt Promise to end bullying Bullying includes: Spreading false accusations which results in a person being ostracized. Criticism, isolation, exclusion, humiliation, destructive gossip. Abusive, belittling, or intimidating phone calls and emails. Nasty practical jokes. Deliberate and unreasonable isolation or exclusion from work discussions, communications, and activities.
Having a different opinion. Rudeness. Spread kindness and make the Pink Shirt Promise to end bullying Bullying is not: Having a different opinion. Rudeness. Reasonable actions taken by an employer or supervisor in managing the workplace.
Spread kindness and make the Pink Shirt Promise to end bullying Bullying is a major issue in schools, workplaces, homes and over the internet. Up to 40% of Canadians have experienced workplace bullying. According to studies, 21 to 46% of nurses have experienced or witnessed bullying.
Spread kindness and make the Pink Shirt Promise to end bullying Impact of bullying Can affect the health of individuals, their co-workers, and their family. Can result in symptoms such as burnout, increased stress, anxiety, sleeplessness, fatigue, absenteeism and physical injury. Can reduce team communication, job satisfaction, morale, motivation and affect patient care.
Actions you can take if you experience workplace Bullying Spread kindness and make the Pink Shirt Promise to end bullying Actions you can take if you experience workplace Bullying Contact a steward and/or your workplace JOHS Committee representative. Know your employer’s respectful workplace policy and procedures. Make a complaint under your employer’s policy. File a grievance. If you need support, call Employee and Family Assistance and access resources at crisis lines.
Wednesday, February 22, 2017 is PINK SHIRT DAY Show your support for anti-bullying! Post a photo of you and a colleague in your pink shirts on your Facebook page*. #PINKSHIRTPROMISE *If you are posting on social media, follow applicable employer policies for confidentiality