Story-time sessions for families and children: introduction Fionnuala Hanrahan
Submissions show diverse range of practice Frequent - weekly to monthly to episodic Target audience - children of particular age / learning age & free for all Core storytelling / songs / rhymes or with extras – craft drawing Themes and packages - advertised or not Props / No props Attendances - waiting lists to very low [unsustainable] The missing link – explicit support for parents and families to bring the practice home and to embed it in their daily lives Submissions show diverse range of practice
Collaborative projects – equally diverse Workshop courses run by library staff in the library Workshop courses run by library staff elsewhere Workshop courses run by 3rd parties in the library Workshop courses run by 3rd parties elsewhere with a direction to the library Collaborative projects – equally diverse
Story times are provided in every library service in the country 1. Is the support element for parents / carers sufficiently developed. Is it deliberate / explicit? 2. Is the learning development part of the offer sufficiently clear? 3. If participation levels are low, what are we going to do about it? 4. If the participants are a “closed club” , what are we going to do about it? [less likely] 5. If there is significant need for this services area, how are we going to grow it? 6. Is the importance of this FUN provision sufficiently understood by senior management / FUNders 4. Story times are provided in every library service in the country ASK YOURSELF
Where SECTORS AT RISK are targeted through WORKSHOP / COURSES In the case of 3rd party provision, is the library piece robust? In the case of provision outside the library, is the support to use the library sufficiently developed? How are participants supported by the library when the course is over? How are participants integrated into the general library offer? COURSES, OF COURSE
….and the Answers to these Questions, at the moment, are .. We have very good practice in every aspect in some libraries. We need good practice in every area in every library ….. co-operate, share, short-cut …… ….and the Answers to these Questions, at the moment, are ..