Fiscal Year End Key Deadlines: Notable Changes: March 16 – Budget amendments between personal services and non-personal services AND projected amounts for DSS accounts. May 2 – Requisitions other than exception categories. May 23 – Requisitions for contract purchases or less than $25K. June 17 – Travel Authorities. June 24 – Travel expenses and other check requests. June 27 – JVs and tickets. June 28 – Deposits/cash/credit card receipts. Notable Changes: Computer Equipment, Software, & Services (CESS) approval requirements.
Fiscal Year End Computer Equipment, Software, & Services Information Technology (IT) requests with an aggregate cost of $10,000 or more OR which include restricted or sensitive data handling or do not fully meet the UGA or USG standards regardless of cost as outlined in the CESS guidelines at require the following approvals: March 28 - CESS purchases totaling $500,000 or more, which require approval by the University System of Georgia (USG). April 22 - Purchases that require only local CESS approval (up to $500,000) and are not available on state contract or agency contract. May 9 - Requests that require local approval, but are available on state or agency contract. *Please note these are the dates CESS requests are due to the VPIT's office.
Year End Considerations/Tips Plan ahead, don’t wait until last minute Ensure account(s) used on initial transaction document is correct and appropriate account Does item benefit activity of account? Does item meet objectives of activity of account? Allocate reasonably & accordingly Does the charge need to be split between accounts? JVs should not be used as normal way of doing business Don’t rely on JVs to “fix it later” Use budget to spend against even if expected revenue not collected yet on income type accounts