OLENTANGY HIGH SCHOOL COURSE SCHEDULING 2017-2018 Rising Freshmen Class of 2021
OHS ADMINISTRATION Mr. Tom McDonnell – Principal Mr. Jason Bates – Assistant Principal Ms. Jessica Slocum – Assistant Principal Mr. Brad Henry – Dean of Students Mr. Jay Wolfe – Athletic Director
OHS GUIDANCE Ms. Lauren Wozniak A – De Ms. Whitney Hamilton Df - H Ms. Selena McKnight I - Mo Mrs. Meghan Roberts Mp - Sl Mr. Mike Naveau Sm – Z
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS 22 total credits for graduation from Olentangy, including: Core: English – 4 credits Math – 4 credits Science – 3 credits (4 recommended for college) Social Studies – 3 credits (4 recommended for college) Health (½ credit) and P.E. (½ credit) Fine Arts (Visual or Performing) – 1.0 credit Electives - 6 credits
ELECTIVE OPTIONS World Language (Spanish, French, German) Family and Consumer Science Business Industrial Technology Math Electives English Electives
COURSE PLANNING GUIDE The Course Planning Guide is available on the OHS web page with further descriptions of courses offered Pay attention to prerequisites for courses Video Course Descriptions available on Schoology and the OHS web page
THE SCHEDULING PROCESS STEP 1 – Teacher Recommendations Your classroom teachers will complete recommendations about which classes you should take next year in English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and World Languages. For example: Physical Science or Honors Physical Science
THE SCHEDULING PROCESS If you do not agree with the teacher recommendation: Step 1: Have a conversation with your teacher Step 2: Ask for a student-parent-teacher conference Step 3: If you and your parents are not satisfied with the decision made at the student-parent-teacher conference, then complete a “Course Override Request” form, available in Student Services.
THE SCHEDULING PROCESS STEP 2 – Online Course Requests Between January 17th at 8:00 AM to January 26th at 8:00 AM, students will have access via PowerSchool to enter course requests after reviewing the Course Planning Guide on the OHS webpage. *Step by step instructions will be posted on Schoology
THE SCHEDULING PROCESS STEP 3 – Parent Meetings There will be a parent meeting on January 25th at 7:00 pm in the OHS theatre to present this information and to answer your parent’s questions.
THE SCHEDULING PROCESS STEP 4 – The Scheduling Conference Students will meet with their counselor for a brief, individual scheduling conference to review recommendations. Be sure to complete: Online course requests in PowerSchool Paper copy of Schedule Request Sheet BMS - Jan. 26th 8:30-10:30 AM SMS - Jan. 27th 7:30-11:30 AM HMS - Feb. 15th 7:45-8:45 AM
THE SCHEDULING PROCESS STEP 5 – Course Request Verification After all students have completed their initial course requests, the total course requests will be reviewed to decide which courses can be offered (based on enrollment requests) and to make decisions about hiring staff for the 17-18 school year. During the week of March 6th, students will be notified of any courses that will not be offered because of low enrollment. These students will have an opportunity to select an alternate course at that time.
THE SCHEDULING PROCESS STEP 5 Cont.– Course Request Verification Your course requests will be viewable online in PowerSchool by clicking on “Class Registration”
THE SCHEDULING PROCESS Course Request Changes Any changes to the initial course requests must be received no later than April 13th. See your middle school counselor with changes until March 17th (Spring Break) and contact your high school counselor after. As a reminder, the sooner a concern is addressed, the more likely that a suitable solution will be available for you.
COURSES THAT REQUIRE AUDITIONS (Choir, Band, Orchestra) Choose the desired course on your Schedule Request Sheet. Each student will then meet with the appropriate instructor for an audition. Auditions will be held in February and results will be shared with counselors.
ALTERNATIVE SCHEDULING OPTIONS Physical Education/Health Options Physical Education Waiver Online Physical Education Credit Flex Online Health Hybrid Option CP English 9 Summer School Option Health and PE
OLENTANGY ACADEMY - STEM PROGRAM Submit your OA Application online by January 31st on the OA website and make the selection on your course schedule request sheet the day you schedule. You must submit a Course Selection Sheet for OHS. If you have any questions about Olentangy Academy there will be an open house to take a self-guided tour and meet the teachers this Wednesday, January 18th from 6-8PM. If you have further questions see a counselor after this presentation.
THE SCHEDULE REQUEST SHEET Schedule 8 classes - DO NOT include lunch, it is scheduled automatically for you Core classes (English, Math, Science, and Social Studies) are year-long courses Current teachers will sign the approval column Semester 1 Course Title Course Number Semester 2 Course Number Teacher Approval 1. English 2. Math 3. Science 4. Social Studies
THE SCHEDULE REQUEST SHEET Study Hall - can be taken one or both semesters Fill elective spots with required courses such as Health, Phys Ed, World Language, Fine Arts Other electives can be chosen from Business, Industrial Tech, Family & Consumer Sciences Please rank your three alternative courses Course Request Sheets will be collected at your individual meeting with your counselor Semester 1 Course Title Course Number Semester 2 Course Number Teacher Approval 5. Grad Requirements (Health/PE/Fine Arts) 6. Elective 7. Elective 8. Elective
TYPICAL FRESHMAN SCHEDULE Below is an example of a typical schedule for a freshman at Olentangy High School: Semester 1 Course Semester 2 Course 1. English CP English 9 2. Math Algebra 1 3. Science Physical Science 4. Social Studies World History 5. Grad Requirements Health P.E. 6. Elective Spanish II 7. Elective Art I CAD I 8. Elective Study Hall
FOR ASSISTANCE Contact Student Services with any questions! 740-657-4121 Speak with your high school counselor to get any questions you have about course selections answered. Ms. Wozniak A - De Ms. Hamilton Df - H Ms. McKnight I - Mo Mrs. Roberts Mp - Sl Mr. Naveau Sm - Z