NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED ITEM 10 – WHAT WE NEED TO DO Documents and responsibilities Compendium of NNEC Related Architectures Some Open Issues Architecture management Training By way of background Reps will recall that we discussed the subject at the meeting of 25 Feb and reviewed all the various ongoing C3 capability management and defence planning initiatives The Group noted the need to keep all the subjects under review and agreed that we could not finalise the c3 planning process aspects until surrounding activity was clearer. NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED
NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED KEY DOCUMENTS NAF v3 – ISC, NC3B Interoperability Policy/NID revision - ISC, NC3B CPD – Staff, ISC NC3B NC3TA – NCORM – ISSC, NC3B OA – NC3A under direction of AMB, NC3B CMM – NC3A under direction of NC3B RA/TA development – NC3A as directed by ACT and IC as co-ordinated by AMB CAP/CAIPs for IS/NNEC – ACT Compendium of NNEC Related Architectures - ACT By way of background Reps will recall that we discussed the subject at the meeting of 25 Feb and reviewed all the various ongoing C3 capability management and defence planning initiatives The Group noted the need to keep all the subjects under review and agreed that we could not finalise the c3 planning process aspects until surrounding activity was clearer. NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED
Compendium of NNEC-related Architectures Aim: Propose the implementation of the integrated approach to architecture Outline the role of architectures in supporting the NATO strategy for NNEC development Identify key documents related to architecture Provide a roadmap to develop architectures to ensure timely delivery of coherent NNEC compliant capabilities Timeline 2006 2007 Architecture Roadmap Compen dium NC3B Fall Meeting Alignment and update of architectures NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED
NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED Recommendations ACT recommends the Board: To note that the Compendium of NNEC Related Architectures document will be presented at the fall meeting of the Board NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED
NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED SOME OPEN ISSUES NAF v3: Establishment, population and management of a NATO Architecture Repository OA v3 Priorities: cover full expeditionary operations C2 structure, link to ERAs, ALTMD Agreed ‘List of services’? Mandation of maturity levels and profiles for expeditionary ops? – NID? ACO Force certification process? Architecture Management ? By way of background Reps will recall that we discussed the subject at the meeting of 25 Feb and reviewed all the various ongoing C3 capability management and defence planning initiatives The Group noted the need to keep all the subjects under review and agreed that we could not finalise the c3 planning process aspects until surrounding activity was clearer. NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED
[OVERARCHING] ARCHITECTURE MANAGEMENT BOARD OAMB coordinates OA development: NHQC3S AIB Chairs, with membership from NC3A, NACMA and all NHQC3S staff branches Last OAMB meeting agreed that OAMB should transform into the Architecture Management Board (AMB) with the goal to coordinate the development of all C3 related architectures in NATO Co-Chair NHQC3S/ACT Possible Members: NC3A, NACMA, ACO, NCSA, BMA, AGS, TMDPO, Staff Possible relationship with CICG/NC3REPS? By way of background Reps will recall that we discussed the subject at the meeting of 25 Feb and reviewed all the various ongoing C3 capability management and defence planning initiatives The Group noted the need to keep all the subjects under review and agreed that we could not finalise the c3 planning process aspects until surrounding activity was clearer. NATO/EAPC UNCLASSIFIED