Hanahan High School Freshman Orientation 2017-2018 Class of 2021
Introduction PowerPoint Follow schedule & meet teachers Today’s Agenda Introduction PowerPoint Tour of the school Follow schedule & meet teachers Lunch Dismissal
ADMINISTRATION Principal- Mr. R. Raycroft Assistant Principal -Mr. B. Stone
ADMINISTRATION Assistant Principal- Mrs. A. Thornley Ms. D. Smith Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director- Ms. D. Smith
ADMINISTRATION School Resource Officer- Officer Zellous Academy Coach/Testing-Mr. W. Dooley
Guidance Counselor/ Career Specialist Guidance Office Guidance Counselor- Mrs. C. Barber Guidance Counselor/ Career Specialist Mrs. J. Bellinger
Guidance Office Mrs. K. Murray Guidance Guidance Secretary Counselor- Ms. J. Gouin Guidance Secretary Mrs. K. Murray Guidance Counselor- Ms. Sarah Conley
*Anytime that you feel you need to talk to someone who will listen* Guidance Office When to go: Career Planning Testing Information Social Concerns College Advice *Anytime that you feel you need to talk to someone who will listen*
Media Center Media Specialist- Dr. C. Zehner Media Assistant- Mrs. G. Johnson
When to go: Media Center Before School After School During Lunch During Class Time: If given permission by your teacher. *There is a book drop box to left of library doors. Use this when the library is closed. *PASSES are needed for entering the Media Center no matter the time, You can get passes from the Media Center for non-class time*
Student Office Attendance Clerk- Ms. M. Fabian Attendance Clerk- Ms. S. Hodges
Student Office Sign in/out area Mailbox for absent excuses or parent notes Only sign in if you are later than 8:50, otherwise go straight to your 1st period
Attendance Policy No more than 5 unexcused absences allowed in a semester class No more than 10 unexcused absences allowed in year long class
Attendance Policy What absences count towards days? Unexcused Parent note A tardy that is more than 45 minutes into the class period What absences do not count towards days? Medical Legal Bereavement ISS/OSS
Assistant Principal Secretary– Office Staff Registrar- Ms. A. Samonte Head Secretary- Ms. S. Lanham Assistant Principal Secretary– Ms. G. Patterson
Front Desk Receptionist- Office Staff Secretary/ Bookkeeper- Ms. V. Jenkins Athletic Secretary- Ms. J. Judkins Front Desk Receptionist- Ms. A. Dubose
Buses and Lunch Information Mr. Matthew Gantt
BYOD-Bring Your Own Device Policy (Cell honesMP3,Ipods, etc.) The district is not responsible for the loss, damage, and/or theft of any of these types of devices. Any and all access through the wireless network may be monitored for the purposes of network security and student safety. BCSD is not responsible for any data overage fees charged by mobile carriers. Electronic mobile devices must be used for instructional purposes only. Students must obtain teacher permission before using the device and must turn off and put away the device when requested. The school principal or his/her designee may examine a student’s personal device and search its contents, in accordance with applicable laws and policies, if there is a reasonable suspicion that the student has violated or is violating district policies, administrative procedures, school rules, or the law. Cyberbullying is strictly prohibited. Any student taking part in cyberbullying will be subject to disciplinary action.
Cell Phone Policy (MP3,Ipods, etc.) 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense Confiscation Parent/legal guardian pick-up Parent/legal guardian conference with administrator Parent/legal guardian pick-up after 7 calendar days 1 day ISS Parent/legal guardian pick-up after 14 calendar days 1 day OSS
Not appropriate, does not go to fingertip length Dress Code Policy All shorts, skirts, dresses must be fingertip length (middle finger) with students holding arms down straight Not appropriate, does not go to fingertip length
Dress Code Policy No sunglasses may be worn in the building No hats, head stockings, or handkerchiefs (including Kufi) allowed inside the building No gloves may be worn in the building
Dress Code Policy Pants must be worn at an appropriate waist level and may not be made of any see-through material Not Appropriate
Dress Code Policy Suspenders are to be hooked and to be on the shoulders in the proper location Belts must be worn at an appropriate level and buckled and tucked into loops
Dress Code Policy No tank tops, halter tops, fish-net shirts, cut-off shirts, or bare midriffs
Dress Code Policy No pajama bottoms, slippers, or jeans/pants with holes above finger tip length. NOT Appropriate OK
Dress Code Policy No clothes with vulgar or obscene symbols, language or wording is allowed. No clothes with advertisements for, or messages or pictures depicting or suggesting alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or sex is permitted
Dress Code Policy Not appropriate No tights, leggings, or jeggings are allowed to be worn as pants unless covered by shorts, pants, or skirt of appropriate length Not appropriate
Lockers will be available in the cafeteria during lunches for $5. For a limited time!
Reading Your Schedule Semester 1 Schedule Semester 1 Schedule with 5th and 6th skinny classes
ALMA MATER On a hill midst oak trees standing proud and true, There’s our alma mater, Hanahan High School. She is the best, and we will always try- Hail the Alma Mater, Hanahan High. She’s the author of our knowledge, true we’ll be- Cherish and remember her eternally. Through the years we’ll voice her praises to the sky- Hail thee Alma Mater, Hanahan High
Sources: Googleimages.com