Mary Gales-Wenz MSW,LICSW,Psychological Health Coordinator,MNARNG Darlene Wetterstrom MSW,LICSW,Psychological Health Coordinator,MNARNG CPT Eric Strom MSW,LICSW, Behavioral Health Officer,MNARNG
WHAT IS RECOVERY? HEALTH-Overcoming or managing one’s disease(s) or symptoms. Making informed,healthy choices that support physical and emotional wellbeing. HOME- A stable and safe place to live PURPOSE-Meaningful daily activities,such as a job,school,volunteerism,family caretaking or creative endeavors,and the independence,income and resources to participate in society COMMUNITY-Relationships and social networks that provide support,friendship,love and hope SAMHSA
Behavioral Health Evaluation (BHE) Overview A BHE is a psychological evaluation of behavioral and personality disorders used to determine fitness for duty/deployability. Completed by licensed and credentialed military Behavioral Health Officers Psychiatrists, psychologists, clinical social workers Recommendations are based on interview with Soldier and review of civilian treatment documents Results are used to provide guidance to Commanders when making decisions regarding a Soldier’s medical readiness
What BHEs are NOT BHEs are NOT just a way to kick people out. Used to track a Soldier so that we are able to help them get the services they need. BHEs are NOT a form of punishment. Soldiers have legal rights and recourse if they feel a BHE is being used as a form of punishment.
How can community providers help? Supporting BHE Positive support when talking with your client Facilitating ease of access to documentation Follow-up Discuss recommendations with your client, use BHE as foundation for treatment planning Provide timely, updated and thorough progress notes Ask questions for clarification