resplendent: adjective definition: having a dazzlingly impressive appearance shining brilliantly or gleaming
resplendent pronunciation: ri-splen-duh nt
resplendent related forms: noun resplendence adverb resplendently
resplendent synonyms: radiant dazzling gorgeous magnificent splendid glorious stunning glittering brilliant
resplendent We were ambivalent about whether John Daly’s jacket was resplendent or just plain garish.
resplendent Gwyneth Paltrow’s beauty is enhanced by her resplendent smile
resplendent The resplendent MCHS production of All My Sons showcased the myriad talents of our students.
resplendence resplendence of the fall foliage in Marlboro. Families traveled from NYC to enjoy the resplendence of the fall foliage in Marlboro.
resplendence The resplendence of the Thanksgiving dinner was breathtaking.
resplendently Our students’ artwork resplendently adorns the hallways of our high school.
resplendently We reveled in the resplendently decorated room.