Name______________________________ Date____________ Turkey is the traditional main course for most American’s Thanksgiving dinner tables. If the average Thanksgiving turkey is 10 lbs how much turkey did John’s dad eat if he ate 8 oz of turkey? Prime Each male turkey has its own unique gobble , just as humans have their own unique voice. If there are 20 male turkeys and 20 female turkeys, who do not gobble, in a flock. How many distinct gobbles would you hear? Wild turkey’s can fly in short bursts at 55mph. If a turkey was flying at 35mph from Atlanta to Knoxville, which is 213.5 miles away how long in hours and minutes would it take for the turkey to arrive in Knoxville? The largest adult turkey, documented, is 38 lbs. The smallest adult turkey, documented, is 7 lbs. What do you need to do to find the average size of a turkey? If the turkey’s top speed is 55mph and a cars top speed is 75mph, how many times faster is the car from the turkey? Not Prime or Composite? Composite