PDN Choose either film, book, album or tv show to explore. On an index card write both your favorite from that medium, and the most recent thing you consumed from that medium. Look up 2 reviews from either of those. Print them. Read them.
Writing Reviews
Why do people read reviews? Why do people write reviews? Why do we care?
Parts of a Review
Beginning, middle, end Opinion writing has an introduction that gives the main opinion, a body that gives reasons and evidence for the opinion and a conclusion that reviews the main ideas and wraps up the piece.
Reviews are the same, but... While a column or editorial may be trying to make a case to change the reader’s mind, a review is trying to help the reader. A reviewer doesn’t need to convince readers the opinion is the best one as much as it needs to give readers enough information to make their own decision.
Introduction Attention-getters are often helpful in reviews, but the most important part of the introduction is where the writer gives his/her main opinion. The opinion is seldom all good or all bad, but rather focuses on the most important parts of the review.
Body The body of the review gives several reasons for the overall opinion. The reasons should focus on a variety of aspects of the review subject.
Examples A movie review may focus on the plot, acting and special effects. A restaurant review might focus on the food, service and atmosphere. Reviews should focus on more than one thing.
Evidence Reviews rely mostly on description and comparison when the reviewer backs up the reasons with evidence.
Description Description will be a mix of opinions followed by details to back up the opinions. Writers should include enough detail to give readers a clear idea, but not so many as to bog down the review.
Comparison Reviewers often make comparisons to give readers a better understanding of their point. For example, a reviewer may compare the graphics in one video game with another similar one, or the mood of a sequel with the first book.
Conclusion Like other opinion writing, a review will restate the main idea toward the end, but reviews almost always end on a recommendation to readers — a recommendation for readers to try (or not try) the subject of the review.
Mini Opinion-Writing #3 Write a review for the thing you read about for your PDN. OR Write a review about your thanksgiving dinner.