Financial Aid and the “One Stop Shop” …or Flop Building a Student-Centric and Friendly Customer Service Model Presented by: Bruce Blackmon, UNC - Charlotte Robert Muhammad, Winston-Salem State Michael O’Grady, Financial Aid Services
One Stop Shops No two one stop shops (OSS) are exactly alike All OSS should be student centric The goal should be a on-going customer service improvement Leveraging data rich and data driven environments
Growing Challenges in Financial Aid Increased compliance Changing enrollments PPY No “slow time” of the year Unending training Multicultural demographics “Generation Z” expectations Generation Z will be 40% of the U.S. population by 2020 and will be the most diverse generation
Becoming Student Centric There is no “one stop shop” unless it is student centric. There is no student centric orientation unless in communicates interactively with Generation Z.
Generation Z Expectations Cross-applicant expectations? (Hint: it isn’t other institutions) The “No American dream” meets the money conscious—impact on higher education?
Z Generation Cynical Private Entrepreneurial (Gainful employment???) Multi-Tasking Hyper-aware Technology reliant (source: Tim Elmore)
Generation Z takes a Time Machine to the World of Higher Education Paper Faxes Pieces of Puzzles no one picture Classrooms Working in groups Communication not via mobile device
Real Reason Students Leave Your Schools
OSS Structures Physical Only Hybrid Virtual only Gateway
Avoiding the Flop One roof or one building doesn’t make the confluence of departments an OSS. Silos can be anywhere An OSS is not a panacea for a poor management and structure anymore than Thanksgiving dinner makes a dysfunctional family– functional No data culture Not technologically current or evolving
Non permanent or “Gateway” One Stop Shops Low-cost and dynamic Seasonal and situational Beta Test for a full OSS Test for best workers and alignment
Winston-Salem State Case Study FTE = FTE The problem? Multifaceted solution Leveraging external partners? Lines what lines?
Why Build a One Stop Shop? UNC Charlotte Case Study How did it start? Who are the players? Time table? Politics? Training Realigning the financial aid staff Continued process improvement Leveraging technologies
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