EUSDR - PA 8 - Steering Committee Meeting - Activity Report Entrepreneurial Learning Working Group
SEECEL Strategic Pillars ISCED 1/2 ISCED 3 ISCED 5/6 TTA SBA TNA - QA EBPM & OMC EBPM = Evidence Based Policy Making and OMC = Open Method of Coordination – both are basic SEECEL working principles Community of Practice (CoP) = SEECEL knowledge sharing platform; The new virtual tool ‘Taskbox’ inside the CoP was developed. Community of Practice
SEECEL EL Institutional Network ISCED 1 - 32 ISCED 2 - 33 ISCED 3 - 32 ISCED 5/6 – 32 (17+14) TNA/QA - 8 TTA – 8 SBA – 24 (3x8) WE – 9 + 27(3x9) TOTAL: 177 + 27 (204) Per country - 22 (25)
Strategic EL Piloting: ISCED 1/2 (specifics) 33 schools from the Danube region countries 120 Lesson Plans added Example of e-commerce in school Piloting in progress
Strategic EL Piloting: ISCED 3 (specifics) Piloting in progress 16 schools from the Danube region countries 60 Lesson Plans added Poljoprivredna, prehrambena i veterinarska škola Stanka Ožanića, Croatia – classroom of SEN students involved and exposed to EL LO
Strategic EL Piloting: ISCED 5/6 (specifics) 17 pilot institutions: 2 HEI per country, except Serbia (1) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (4) Piloting in progress
Strategic EL Piloting: ISCED 5/6 – EL Student Club 80 members of EL Student Club nominated from 8 countries 15 student’s articles received so far 1st ELSC newsletter published 2nd ELSC newsletter in preparation for publishing
Strategic EL Piloting: TTA (specifics) MNE – ISCED 3 publication translated All active pilot institutions provided teacher training BIH - specific design example MNE developed and submitted Module 1
Training Needs Analysis – Quality Assurance TNA preliminary results -publication in preparation
Small Business Act: SBA Assessment Process ETF – SEECEL: 4 point plan for dividing roles in SBA process Draft self-assessments provided by each national SBA EL team Each of SEECEL’s SBA EL experts posted peer reflection on process
Small Business Act: SBA Assessment Process ETF and SEECEL led stakeholder’s meetings in each of SEECEL Member States (January – March 2015) Second version of the self-assessment posted by each team Additional evidence analyzed by SEECEL and ETF Harmonisation of scores in process
Women’s entrepreneurship (1) WE publication - Training Modules and Good Practice Criteria published WE Training guide published on the SEECEL web site
Women’s entrepreneurship (2) WE Training materials published on the SEECEL web site
Women’s entrepreneurship (3) Filming of inspiring stories of women entrepreneurs held in Zagreb 23-25 March 2015 46 experts from the SEECEL WE Member States (27 women entrepreneurs, 17 national WG experts, 2 key experts) The videos are available on SEECEL´s home page by clicking on banner
Other activities, Recognition and awards SEE 20202 activities as pillar coordinator EUSDR activities Meeting of Joint Commission Croatia and Baden-Württenberg, April 2015 SEECEL new cooperation agreements UK Commission for Employment and Skills Zagreb Development Agency “Creators for Centuries” award SEECEL selected as a case study of good practice by European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC)
New activities European Entrepreneurship Education NETwork (EE-HUB.EU) Aims to promote entrepreneurship education in Europe by focusing on stimulating further developments and make policy recommendations that will help increase the uptake of entrepreneurship education across Europe Consortium partners: JA-YE Europe, EUROCHAMBRES, SEECEL and EUproVET Launch May 5th – 6th, 2015 in Brussels Main work areas: National Policy Framework; Teacher training and support; Partnerships: role of businesses, private associations and organizations; The role of regional authorities, schools and the entrepreneurship ecosystem; Instruments to collect and assess information
Construction of new SEECEL building ‘SEECEL Home’ Construction started in December 2014, works according to calendar