PRIORITY 2: ADDRESSING BARRIERS TO INCLUSION Why only (out of school) children? ADULT EDUCATION AS WELL STRATEGIC APPROACHES: 1. Advocacy for an inclusive, gender-responsive Lifelong Learning Agenda for SEAMEO countries Activities: - Document LLL best practices in member countriesExpert Meeting(a)Best practices disseminated through regional online portal; (b) advocacy for LLL policies at Ministerial Dialog(s).
PRIORITY 2: ADDRESSING BARRIERS TO INCLUSION 2. Improve the network of Community Learning Centres in SEAMEO Countries to provide learning opportunities to all people: - 25,000 CLCs in 7 SEAMEO countries - provide education and training; community information and services; community development activities; and networking ACTIVITIES: Capacity building for CLC management staff; exploring good models from successful countries (German Volkshochschule, Japanese Kominkan; Korean LLL Centres…) and best practices exchange among member countries
PRIORITY 3: RESILIENCY IN THE FACE OF EMERGENCIES JUST TO INFORM: ASEM-LIFELONG LEARNING HUB (based in Denmark) and SEAMEO CELLL are going to coorganise an international conference “Lifelong Learning and Resilience in Disaster Management: Asian and European Perspectives" in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 8-10 November 2016.