Primary Elections CONFUSING! State by state laws…. Varying laws for “regular” primary elections vs. Presidential primaries….
An intra-party election to determine who opposes the candidate in the The Primary Election An intra-party election to determine who opposes the candidate in the “other” party
Closed Primaries Only declared party members vote….you can only use that party’s ballot
Open Primaries Any qualified voter can choose whichever ballot they wish
Public vs. Private Primaries Must you tell someone how you are voting? Democrat or Republican?
What is OHIO? Ohio is Public Open (eff.2012 prez) We WERE Modified Closed You could change party affiliation on election day
TODAY: “Which ballot would you like?” Your choice declares your party loyalty Prior to 2012….
Pros and Cons Open vs. Closed Primaries….. For Closed: Prevents Raiding Candidates responsive Voters more thoughtful Against Closed: Excludes independents
The Presidential Primary
Remember….. The primary is an election held within the party to choose the candidate who will oppose the other party’s candidate The following is how PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARIES are held
Getting the Presidential Election Started January of Presidential Election the Year $$$ and exposure is key Again, Ohio is March vs. May
Presidential Primaries are INDIRECT elections “Delegates” (vs Presidential Primaries are INDIRECT elections “Delegates” (vs. electors in the General)
Delegates go to the National Convention to vote for their candidate “Superdelegates” Informal term for “unpledged” delegates at the conventions (PLEO’s) (hard vs. soft )
National Convention Goals Nominate Prez/VP Unite the Party Develop Platform
The 2016 National Numbers Republicans: 2,472 total Simple majority wins nomination Democrats: 4765 total Simple majority wins nomination
How do we get these numbers? Each party uses different methods!! Formulas; “Allocation Factor” Winner take all (R) vs. proportional (D) Bonus Delegates Territories
OH Republicans (2016) 66 TOTAL OHIO DELEGATES 48 for House Districts 15 At-Large for the outright Winner of Ohio 3 Superdelegates will attend also 66 TOTAL OHIO DELEGATES
OH Democrats (2016) 159 TOTAL OHIO DELEGATES 93 from House Districts 31 for the outright OHIO Winner 40 Superdelegates will attend also 159 TOTAL OHIO DELEGATES
Primary Elections Beyond these basic definitions, it becomes VERY HARD to explain, except on a state by state basis
Notable Differences State by State Iowa Caucuses (And the Ames straw Poll) New Hampshire & Florida Different Dates; “Super Tuesday” Some are on Saturdays The more you read about how other states operate, the more confusing it gets The Green Papers
Dixville Notch, NH (up next Millsville?)
Super Tuesday usually gives us the true frontrunner… …but you never know. The 2008 Democratic primary battle went until summer! Some thought 2012’s would too. 2016?
The 2012 National Numbers Obama won ALL of the Democratic Delegates
Primary vs. Caucus Primary elections are party events run by state and local governments… Are definitely “elections” Caucuses are private events run by the political parties themselves! Are definitely NOT elections, more like meetings
Reform the Primary System? Unlikely, Congress would have to act, parties and states would all have to agree; honestly, to change this the Constitution would need amended