Texas Courts
Clint’s Review Session Thursday, April 5 5:00 - 6:20 Room 222 Wooten Hall
Administrative Matters Exam on Friday Bring #2 pencil!!! Next week Friday 13th, in-class film Reading for the 13th moved to Monday 16th
Organization of Texas Courts Complex, decentralized Why? “Supreme Courts” Supreme Court Court of Criminal Appeals
Judicial Selection Municipal Judges Everyone else Terms Most appointed by city governing body Everyone else Partisan elections Terms Municipal – 2 years All other trial courts – 4 years Appellate courts – 6 years
Accountability v. Independence
Demographics of Texas Courts All Judges 315 Sup. Court 9 Crim. Appeal9 Appeal80 State Dist/ 420 County 226 Const. Coun. 254 J.O.P. Courts 832 Muni. Courts 1321) Gender Male (%) 72.4 77.8 55.6 59.5 73.9 71.2 90.9 69.4 69.7 Female (%) 27.6 22.2 44.4 40.5 26.1 28.8 9.1 30.6 30.3 Race/Ethnicity African American (%) 2.6 0.0 2.5 3.2 0.4 3.3 2.2 Native American (%) 1.3 0.5 0.2 0.6 Asian/Pacific Islander (%) 0.3 Hispanic/Latino (%) 12.9 15.2 12.0 17.4 7.6 15.4 11.9 White, Non-Hispanic (%) 83.3 100.0 79.7 83.1 78.9 90.6 80.9 84.7 Average Age 55 50 60 57 52 54 58
Filling Vacancies Governor appoints Advice and consent of state senate Senatorial courtesy