US Curriculum benchmark 2016 Parents’ feedback 2016 scores vs. 2016 GEMS Benchmarks Average School Rating, NPS and NPA scores suggest that, from a parents’ perspective, the school’s performance was broadly in line (or slightly above) with the US Curriculum benchmark. Statements 2016 N=630 US Curriculum benchmark 2016 N = 2,190 I am happy with my child’s progress at school 7.6 7.4 I am satisfied that the quality of teaching supports my child’s individual learning needs 7.5 7.3 The school offers strategies and opportunities for families to support learning at home 7.0 I am happy with the way the school supports my child’s personal and social development 7.7 The school provides guidance so my child knows what to do to improve in school 7.1 The Principal/Head of School has a positive impact on the school There is effective communication between the school and home The school makes my child want to learn I feel it is important for my child to learn Arabic at school 7.9 Overall, I am satisfied with the school Average school rating Net Promoter Score 13 10 Net Promoter Average
Parents’ feedback 2016 scores vs. 2015 Parents with children at GEMS American Academy rated their experience of the school in line with 2015. Scores suggest parents had a consistent experience with the school across various parameters, with scores ranging from 7.3 to 7.7. An Average School Rating of 7.5 and a NPS 13 suggest that, although positive, parents’ experience of the school could be improved further. Statements 2015 N=493 2016 N=630 I am happy with my child’s progress at school 7.5 7.6 I am satisfied that the quality of teaching supports my child’s individual learning needs 7.4 The school offers strategies and opportunities for families to support learning at home - 7.3 I am happy with the way the school supports my child’s personal and social development 7.7 The school provides guidance so my child knows what to do to improve in school The Principal/Head of School has a positive impact on the school There is effective communication between the school and home The school makes my child want to learn I feel it is important for my child to learn Arabic at school Overall, I am satisfied with the school Average school rating Net Promoter Score 6 13 Net Promoter Average 7.2