Is Sleeping Bare Better for a Healthy Male Organ?


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Presentation transcript:

Is Sleeping Bare Better for a Healthy Male Organ?

As is well known, getting enough sleep is important for a person’s overall health, including a guy’s member health. But beyond getting enough shut-eye so that a fellow feels primed for energetic activities, is there more a man needs to do to ensure his sleep more directly translates to a healthy male organ? For example, does sleeping bare have any effect on whether a dude has a healthy male organ or not?member health Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons associated with sleeping bare for men.

Pros - It airs the member out. Manhood odor can be a significant problem for a lot of men – and a distinct turn-off to a lot of partners (and potential partners). Sleeping bare will not by itself solve the problem of an overly-aromatic member, but it can help. Giving the male organ a chance to air out for a few hours each day can make a difference. - It decreases rash potential. Because the manhood is kept beneath two layers of clothing all day – the trousers and the underwear – it tends to get hot and sweaty. When there’s heat and moisture, the conditions are right for bacteria and/or fungus to grow, and that is bad news for the delicate manhood skin. Rashes and fungal or yeast infections are more likely to occur, and that is not consistent with a healthy male organ.

- It may increase nutrient absorption. Bare skin, especially one when aired out and harboring fewer bacteria, stands likely to be more receptive to vital nutrient absorption. This is especially handy if a guy applies a member health crème with significant nutrient content before bed. - It might help with fertility issues. By this point, most men have heard about studies which demonstrate that too much heat in the midsection can have a negative impact on seed production. Many of these studies also point out that underwear, especially tight underwear, can raise the heat factor in the midsection to the detriment of the seed.

Cons - It can be rough on skin. If a man sleeps on sheets or under blankets that are rough or scratchy, this can damage sensitive member skin. And if the bedclothes are washed with a strong detergent or bleach, the harsh chemicals can impact the skin on the manhood. (Of course, if the man’s underwear or pajamas are washed in the same substances, that will also be a problem.) - Some men find it uncomfortable. Some guys simply don’t like the “too close” feel of bedsheets right on the male organ. And if a person doesn’t feel comfortable, they don’t sleep as well – and that’s not good for their overall health.

- It can be too stimulating. Some men find they get more excited more easily when sleeping bare – which may result in a late night (and lengthy) self-pleasuring session when they really should be getting some much-needed rest. Sure, a little personal playtime once in a while is fine, but if it ends up delaying sleep on a regular basis, that can be problematic. Basically, it all comes down to personal choice and what an individual feels most comfortable with. But many doctors agree that if men choose to sleep in underwear or pajamas, it should be a little loose and not constricting.

Keeping up a healthy male organ, whether sleeping clothed or bare, is made much easier by the daily application of a first class member health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). If manhood odor is a problem, especially persistent odor, find a crème with vitamin A. The antibacterial properties of that vitamin can be very helpful in keeping odor to a minimum. It also pays to elect a crème that includes vitamin B5 among its ingredients. Also called pantothenic acid, it is a vital nutrient required for cell metabolism and the maintenance of healthy tissue.member health crème