Commercial Operations Subcommittee Update to RMS March 11, 2009
Highlights of March 10th COPS Meeting COPS Communication WG Approved COPMGRR009, Planned Scheduled Release and Planned Maintenance Outage Notifications Planned Scheduled Release dates moved from 2nd to 4th weekend Planned Maintenance Outage dates moved from 3rd/4th Sunday to 1st/2nd Sunday and changes time from 8am-8pm (12 hrs) to 6am-9pm (15 hrs) Adds a 3rd & 5th Sunday from 8am-8pm (12 hrs) as Planned Maintenance Outage dates COPMGRR010, Creating Section 12, Renewable Energy Credits Will address “micro-generator” information at later date Approved updated COPS Procedures Added SEWG and deleted Commercial Protocol WG
Highlights of March 10th COPS Meeting Profile WG ERCOT will accept 15 data by AMS if the load research IDR is replaced Round 2 LRS data collection ends Dec 31, 2009 60k annual validation 814_20s not an issue with 1 million 814_20s for AMS AMS 15 minute data could be initially settled with profile, then final settlement with 15 minute data 1938 combinations of load profile IDs, up from 1634
Highlights of March 10th COPS Meeting Settlement & Extracts WG Approved leadership Jim Galvin – Luminant Heddie Lockadoo – NRG Report & Extract issues continue to decline 3 incidents during the mid Jan - Feb 2 incidents were TML outages lasting less than 30 minutes 1was a late posting of extracts by 5 minutes Working to develop more formal process for ad hoc invoices
Highlights of March 10th COPS Meeting Summer 2008 Defaults Uplift Process is complete 1st uplift in Jan was $2,500,000.00 2nd uplift in Feb was $2,243,772.84 Total amount uplifted was $4,161,186.82 2008 Final MO Financials Budget Funding of $1.32m $190K transferred from RO to MO to cover AMIT Study Spend of projects was $1.27m Budget Variance ~$52k
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