Rocket into Scouting About The 2016 BSA Game Plan: “Field Presentation” Version - The 2016 BSA Game Plan is a tactical course of action that has been developed to align and focus our efforts to support meaningful organizational growth within the BSA. This presentation is a “talking document” whose purpose is to unify and methodize the Game Plan’s message with BSA stakeholders, predominantly defined as (i) National Service Center employees (ii) local council employees and (iii) volunteers. This “Field Presentation” version is designed to present the Game Plan in a format that is most beneficial to larger groups where a full slideshow presentation would be best.
WHY? GATES STATEMENT January 2016 Dr. Gates and the National Executive Board believe that this is the BSA’s time—Our time to re-establish relevance with today’s families and the youth that Scouting serves. In support of this vision, we have developed a tactical “Game Plan” that aligns and focuses our efforts to support growth.
The Game Plan The four components of the WLACC Membership Growth Plan: Growth in New Units (Specifically Cub Scout Packs) Growth in Exploring (Specifically the creation of new Explorer Posts/Clubs) Introduction of the Lion Program Pilot Strong Fall Thematic Fall Recruiting Campaign (Rocket into Scouting) The Game Plan consists of the following three components: COMPONENT ONE – Why We Will Grow This component will explain what the BSA’s competitive advantage is. It will tell us why we will grow. COMPONENT TWO – Our Short Term Strategy This component will explain what we need to focus on immediately. COMPONENT THREE – How We Will Grow This component will explain what we will need to do throughout 2016.
Strong Thematic Fall Recruiting Campaign Rocket into Scouting Council wide coordinated theme, resources, training, timeline (Rocket into Scouting) District/Council level organization and management (Open all Schools) Sign-up Night format Concise campaign timeline for unit/family incentive District/Council level incentive activities (Rocket into Scouting Launch Day) The Game Plan consists of the following three components: COMPONENT ONE – Why We Will Grow This component will explain what the BSA’s competitive advantage is. It will tell us why we will grow. COMPONENT TWO – Our Short Term Strategy This component will explain what we need to focus on immediately. COMPONENT THREE – How We Will Grow This component will explain what we will need to do throughout 2016.
Strong Thematic Fall Recruiting Campaign Rocket into Scouting Council wide coordinated theme, resources, training, timeline (Rocket into Scouting) Unit Playbook Branded collaterals (Yard Signs, Social Media, Fliers, Rockets) Unit Level Fall Sign-up Kits Branded/Provided Unit Leader Orientation/Training The Game Plan consists of the following three components: COMPONENT ONE – Why We Will Grow This component will explain what the BSA’s competitive advantage is. It will tell us why we will grow. COMPONENT TWO – Our Short Term Strategy This component will explain what we need to focus on immediately. COMPONENT THREE – How We Will Grow This component will explain what we will need to do throughout 2016.
Council wide coordinated theme, resources, training, timeline (Rocket into Scouting) Unit Playbook
Council wide coordinated theme, resources, training, timeline (Rocket into Scouting) Branded collaterals (Yard Signs, Social Media, Fliers, Rockets)
Council wide coordinated theme, resources, training, timeline (Rocket into Scouting) Unit Level Fall Sign-up Kits
Council wide coordinated theme, resources, training, timeline (Rocket into Scouting) Branded/Provided Unit Leader Orientation/Training
Strong Thematic Fall Recruiting Campaign Rocket into Scouting District/Council level organization and management (Open all Schools) District Executives will identify ALL schools available DE’s will then work to divide schools among our units so that we recruit out of EVERY School The Game Plan consists of the following three components: COMPONENT ONE – Why We Will Grow This component will explain what the BSA’s competitive advantage is. It will tell us why we will grow. COMPONENT TWO – Our Short Term Strategy This component will explain what we need to focus on immediately. COMPONENT THREE – How We Will Grow This component will explain what we will need to do throughout 2016.
Strong Thematic Fall Recruiting Campaign Rocket into Scouting Sign-up Night format The Game Plan consists of the following three components: COMPONENT ONE – Why We Will Grow This component will explain what the BSA’s competitive advantage is. It will tell us why we will grow. COMPONENT TWO – Our Short Term Strategy This component will explain what we need to focus on immediately. COMPONENT THREE – How We Will Grow This component will explain what we will need to do throughout 2016.
Strong Thematic Fall Recruiting Campaign Rocket into Scouting Sign-up Night format Not a Pack Meeting Not a two hour long “Parent Orientation” Just like signing up for Sports Full Parent Orientation comes after signing up The Game Plan consists of the following three components: COMPONENT ONE – Why We Will Grow This component will explain what the BSA’s competitive advantage is. It will tell us why we will grow. COMPONENT TWO – Our Short Term Strategy This component will explain what we need to focus on immediately. COMPONENT THREE – How We Will Grow This component will explain what we will need to do throughout 2016.
Strong Thematic Fall Recruiting Campaign Rocket into Scouting Station 1 Station Chief Briefing “Sign-In here”: • Make sure the Station 1 sign is visible • Greet every family that comes in and ask them to sign in • Have sign-in sheets and pens ready. Ask each family for the grade of their son? They sign in on either the first, second, third, fourth or fifth grade sign in sheet. (The sheets are carbon copy, so at the end of the Sign Up Night, the District rep and the Pack each get a copy.) • Have copies of “Welcome to Cub Scouts” available at your station • Provide each family with a folder to collect all of the information they are about to receive • Tell each family that there are 5 Stations that they will visit to complete the sign-up process and that it will take 20-30 minutes • Direct them to Station 2 BIG TAKEAWAY: I feel welcome and this will be fun! The Game Plan consists of the following three components: COMPONENT ONE – Why We Will Grow This component will explain what the BSA’s competitive advantage is. It will tell us why we will grow. COMPONENT TWO – Our Short Term Strategy This component will explain what we need to focus on immediately. COMPONENT THREE – How We Will Grow This component will explain what we will need to do throughout 2016.
Strong Thematic Fall Recruiting Campaign Rocket into Scouting Station 2 Station Chief Briefing “What We do”: • Make sure the Station 2 sign is visible • Provide everyone with a Pack Calendar: “When and Where We Meet” • Have copies of other event fliers available – Cub Parent Weekend, Cub Family Weekend, Patrol Challenge, Rocket into Scouting Launch Day, etc. • Inform Families that we would like them attend as many functions as possible, but they are not required to make every event and meeting • Direct them to Station 3 BIG TAKEAWAY: There are lots of opportunities to build an adventure! The Game Plan consists of the following three components: COMPONENT ONE – Why We Will Grow This component will explain what the BSA’s competitive advantage is. It will tell us why we will grow. COMPONENT TWO – Our Short Term Strategy This component will explain what we need to focus on immediately. COMPONENT THREE – How We Will Grow This component will explain what we will need to do throughout 2016.
Strong Thematic Fall Recruiting Campaign Rocket into Scouting Station 3 Station Chief Briefing “What about Stuff”: • Make sure the Station 3 sign is visible • Explain Boys Life magazine • Explain fees for membership in the BSA and Boys Life magazine • Explain uniforms • Share info on popcorn & camp cards, as a way to offset costs – and help teach a boy to earn his own way. • Answer any questions about dues and/or financial assistance • Remind parents – there will be more information at the Parent Orientation • Direct them to Station 4 BIG TAKEAWAY: I understand costs and options! The Game Plan consists of the following three components: COMPONENT ONE – Why We Will Grow This component will explain what the BSA’s competitive advantage is. It will tell us why we will grow. COMPONENT TWO – Our Short Term Strategy This component will explain what we need to focus on immediately. COMPONENT THREE – How We Will Grow This component will explain what we will need to do throughout 2016.
Strong Thematic Fall Recruiting Campaign Rocket into Scouting Station 4 Station Chief Briefing “Den Leaders”: • Make an effort to have as many Den Leaders and Assistant Den Leaders on hand to talk about their dens and give families a chance to get to know them • Have copies of “Pack Leadership” to give out. • Answer questions about the type of activities their child will be doing • Share cool experiences you have had with your child through the Scouting program • Discuss leadership opportunities for interested parents • Hand out Youth applications, ask families to move to a seating area to fill them out and then proceed to checkout • Remind parents – there will be more information at the Parent Orientation • Assist the Pack Sign-Up Night Coordinator with room clean-up after the Sign-Up Night Time • Direct them to Station 5 BIG TAKEAWAY: I have met some leaders and am ready to get going! The Game Plan consists of the following three components: COMPONENT ONE – Why We Will Grow This component will explain what the BSA’s competitive advantage is. It will tell us why we will grow. COMPONENT TWO – Our Short Term Strategy This component will explain what we need to focus on immediately. COMPONENT THREE – How We Will Grow This component will explain what we will need to do throughout 2016.
Strong Thematic Fall Recruiting Campaign Rocket into Scouting Station 5 Station Chief Briefing “Check Out”: • Make sure the applications are properly completed, without any missing information, including signature of parent / guardian, date of birth and grade • Collect the proper amount for BSA Membership Fee (Boy’s Life if added) and note the amount and form of payment on each form. (Pack dues are not collected here. They are to be collected at the Parent Orientation.) • Encourage each family to sign-up for one of the available Rocket Into Scouting Launch Days. (Must register for BSA Membership to sign-up for activity.) • Explain that attendance at the Pack’s first meeting – the Parent Orientation – will earn the new Scout his handbook. (This is an example. Must have signed up and paid.) • Assist Sign-Up Night Coordinator with forms and payments at the end of the sign-up – these are to be collected, signed by the CUBMASTER, the local council copy separated and put in the Envelope along with the BSA Registration Fees collected. BIG TAKEAWAY: We are in Cub Scouts! The Game Plan consists of the following three components: COMPONENT ONE – Why We Will Grow This component will explain what the BSA’s competitive advantage is. It will tell us why we will grow. COMPONENT TWO – Our Short Term Strategy This component will explain what we need to focus on immediately. COMPONENT THREE – How We Will Grow This component will explain what we will need to do throughout 2016.
Strong Thematic Fall Recruiting Campaign Rocket into Scouting Concise campaign timeline for unit/family incentive Units must submit applications and registration fees by September 30th in order to qualify for free rocket kits and an invitation to Launch Day The Game Plan consists of the following three components: COMPONENT ONE – Why We Will Grow This component will explain what the BSA’s competitive advantage is. It will tell us why we will grow. COMPONENT TWO – Our Short Term Strategy This component will explain what we need to focus on immediately. COMPONENT THREE – How We Will Grow This component will explain what we will need to do throughout 2016.
Strong Thematic Fall Recruiting Campaign Rocket into Scouting District/Council level incentive activities (Rocket into Scouting Launch Day) October 1st Bill Hart Rocket into Scouting Launch Day October 8th San Fernando Valley Rocket into Scouting Launch Day October 15th Crescent Bay Rocket into Scouting Launch Day October 22nd Antelope Valley Rocket into Scouting Launch Day The Game Plan consists of the following three components: COMPONENT ONE – Why We Will Grow This component will explain what the BSA’s competitive advantage is. It will tell us why we will grow. COMPONENT TWO – Our Short Term Strategy This component will explain what we need to focus on immediately. COMPONENT THREE – How We Will Grow This component will explain what we will need to do throughout 2016.
Strong Thematic Fall Recruiting Campaign Rocket into Scouting District Total Membership Gap Antelope Valley 339 Bill Hart 343 Balboa Oaks 136 Cahuenga 126 Las Colinas 217 Crescent Bay 281 Scoutreach 389 Total 1829 The Game Plan consists of the following three components: COMPONENT ONE – Why We Will Grow This component will explain what the BSA’s competitive advantage is. It will tell us why we will grow. COMPONENT TWO – Our Short Term Strategy This component will explain what we need to focus on immediately. COMPONENT THREE – How We Will Grow This component will explain what we will need to do throughout 2016.
Questions? About The 2016 BSA Game Plan: “Field Presentation” Version - The 2016 BSA Game Plan is a tactical course of action that has been developed to align and focus our efforts to support meaningful organizational growth within the BSA. This presentation is a “talking document” whose purpose is to unify and methodize the Game Plan’s message with BSA stakeholders, predominantly defined as (i) National Service Center employees (ii) local council employees and (iii) volunteers. This “Field Presentation” version is designed to present the Game Plan in a format that is most beneficial to larger groups where a full slideshow presentation would be best.