Job Title
Job Description Explain what the job is
Degrees Required, Colleges that offer programs Type of degree or training needed to get this job List at least 1 or 2 local schools that offer a degree in this area and at least 1 or 2 out of state schools
Skills Required Ex/ Must be able to lift 50 pounds
Salary How much should you expect to make per year
Handout that has to do with career Be creative Zookeeper – volunteer application from Bronx Zoo
Practical Skill Something you can demonstrate and allow student to try Ex/ Groomer – how to brush Vet Tech – how to listen for heartrate
References List.htm
Careers Laboratory animal technician K-9 Officer Zookeeper Zoologists Animal trainer Pet Shop Worker/Manager Aquarist Shelter Worker Wildlife Rehabilitator Animal Control Officer Groomer Marine Biologist Veterinarian Publications – Photographer/Writer Vet Technician Animal Health Inspector Farm Manager Movie animal Trainer Dog Day Care Owner Humane Educator