Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Telecommunication General Water and Waste Water Department Opportunities for financing Infrastructure Water Projects in Albania in framework of Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) 25 September 2008
Increased population number regarding to this sector; Actually situation in water supply and waste water department Increased population number regarding to this sector; Reduced water production; Increased water sales; Reduced leakage in system; Increased consumption metering; As result of increased water sales mentioned above is reduced cost of water sales; Increased cash income compared to total cost; Increased time for water supply in national level into 2-3h/d; Reduced operative subventions with 10% in year during 2006-2007 compared with 2005.
How is approached improvement of this sector : Initiate reforms from Albanian government in right time and implementing an action plan that has reached target objectives. Supportability by means of financing investments and subvention of this sector Only in 2008 this amount has reached 27 mln Euro. Right orientation of investments. Good cooperation with donors that actually support this sector providing effective investment and their conclusion in the right time; Improvement of management related with this sector Planning projects providing long term solution and based in components to realize effective investment and improvement of performance for anonym company after investment.
Instrument of Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) Although reached improvement during the period of three last years and in support of reforms and long term plans of Albanian government this sector needs investment and technical assistance to reach European standard. Supportability for investment consist in: Improvement of water supply and disposal of waste water Spreading of this service for areas in which this public service doesn’t exist Treatment of waste water to enable a clean and safe environment Improvement of management and increase of performances for these companies.
Posibilities for financing in framework of Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA): Tourist areas where actually is provided water supply by investment from Albanian government and donors and it is necessary intervention in water supply and waste water sector and treatment of waste water Urban areas where actually there are no investment from government and donors Areas in which there are investments from donors and exist the posibility of co-financing of these projects Rural areas where coverage by water supply and waste water system is not in optimal condition
What does provide this sector in MPWTT /GDWW: Identification of areas that need investment based on directory of monitoring structure of general water and waste water department Providing necessary information for proposed areas Project ideas prepared for these areas providing clear objective and necessary found that are very valuable for this project Supportability with VAT during project implementation and all the other costs that can be include in the implementation process like : dispossession.
Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) Program 2007 IPA program 2007 look forward to investment for water supply and waste water for these areas : Ura e Dajlanit-Qerret, Shengjin, Velipoj, Shkoder and WWTP Ministry of Public Works Transport and Telecommunication compose the process of implement projects by a fund 1.1 million euro. Actually they have conclude projects for areas as: Ura e Dajlanit –Qerret and Shengjin according to a very good collaboration with European Commission and their assistance for supporting this process This process will supported by Albanian Government (by covering the VAT) during implementation and additional funds for expropriation
What does this project provide : Disposal and treatment of waste water enable solution for respective areas Albanian government and donors provided water supply for these areas. Development of tourism in optimal conditions providing economic improvement for these areas. Reduction of waste superficial and underground waters from their influent Providing the health of habitants in respective areas and tourists in summer season.
Thank you for your attention