Encephal/o - brain Electroencephalogram (EEG)- record of the electrical activity of the brain
Roots Encephalitis-inflammation of the brain Meningo-encephalitis- inflammation of brain and meninges
Roots Mening/o meninges; membrane + -cele=hernia (protrusion) Meningocele-hernia of the meninges
Roots Myel/o spinal cord; bone marrow Myelomeningocele-hernia of the spinal cord and meninges
Roots Myel/o spinal cord; bone marrow Myelogram-record of the spinal cord
Roots Myel/o spinal cord; bone marrow Poliomyelitis-inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord
Roots Radicul/o- nerve roots Radiculopathy- disease of the nerve roots
Roots Radicul/o- nerve roots Myeloradiculitis- inflammation of the spinal cord and nerve roots
Roots Neur/o nerve Neuralgia- nerve pain Neurolysis- nerve destruction Polyneuritis- inflammation of many nerves
Roots Spin/o -spine Spinal tap-insertion of needle into the subarachnoid space to withdraw CSF
Suffixes -kinesia; -kinesis movement; motion Hyperkinesis- excessive motion; hyperactivity Dyskinesia- impaired movement Bradykinesia- slow movement
Suffixes -esthesia sensation Anesthesia- loss of sensation Hypoesthesia-decreased sensation Hyperesthesia-increased sensation Paresthesia-abnormal sensation such as numbness or tingling
Suffixes -phasia speech Aphasia- no speech Dysphasia-difficult speech
Suffixes -plegia paralysis Diplegia-paralysis of like extremities on both sides of body; legs are more affected
Suffixes -plegia paralysis Hemiplegia-paralysis of arm and leg on one side of the body
Suffixes -plegia paralysis Monoplegia-paralysis of one extremity
Suffixes -plegia paralysis Paraplegia-paralysis of the lower part of the body and legs
Suffixes -plegia paralysis Quadriplegia-paralysis of all four limbs; tetraplegia
Suffixes -paresis weakness; incomplete paralysis Hemiparesis- weakness in one-half of the body Paraparesis- weakness in the lower half of the body Quadriparesis- weakness from the neck downwards
Suffixes -taxia order; coordination Ataxia-no muscular coordination