Study Methods
Pre-Read Read each section prior to class. This prepares the student for the information that will be covered in class. This also allows the student to become comfortable with new ideas and concepts.
“Scrap” Notebook Use a scrap notebook to take notes in class. Do not attempt to take “pretty” notes, just get all the information written down… clean-up comes later.
“Good” Notebook Recopy the day’s notes into your “good” notebook. Do this ASAP – best if it can be done the same day. Do not wait more than 2 days to recopy, information will be lost / forgotten.
Textbook Review Problems Complete all review problems when you have completed that section. Answer when the information is fresh in your mind… avoid procrastinating until the night before they are due.
Re-read the Section After completing the reviews, re-read the section. This reinforces the concepts and ideas introduced.
High-Light the “Good” Notebook All important ideas and concepts should be high-lighted. Repeated or stressed material will most likely show up in testing.
15 Minutes Each Night Study the “good” notebook for 15 minutes nightly. Study only that which you are not confident with. Probably the single most important part of this method… just a few minutes of real study time daily.
Index Cards Use index cards to study formulas, definitions, and concepts that are difficult. Carry these cards with you, and at every opportunity pull them out and look over them. As you master concepts, remove that card from the stack.
Chapter Review… Use the chapter review as a pre-test. Use PEN to answer all you know – skip what you do not know. Use PENCIL to best answer the remaining questions – then look up answer to confirm it or correct it. Study the answers in pencil.
Testing Do not cram for tests… This adds stress and is a poor use of time. Study in “chunks” that are manageable and productive. Relax when testing – you are as prepared as you can be.