English 10 Do Now (1-13-14) Make a list of any details you know about Martin Luther King Jr. Then, define any of these terms: Rhetoric Ethos, Pathos, Logos Allusions Tone
Letter from Birmingham Jail Did you know King was arrested, several times actually? One time he was arrested for standing up to an immoral law, and the white ministers in the area criticized him, saying he had poor timing. King came back at them in the piece we will read this week.
Success Today Means Taking notes on the background of MLK in order to be ready to understand his letter written during a very specific historical context. Being able to demonstrate annotation skills after the skill is modeled today. Your parents fill out email group info
Monday: background http://youtu.be/5K5XlCSUs6k Model annotating Practice together HW: annotate first page of letter
English 10 Do Now (1-14-14) How would you describe MLK’s tone so far? Cite a couple examples of his word choices that support your claim.
Success Today Means You annotated each paragraph we read, especially the main idea of each paragraph. You read actively and ask questions when confused.
English 10 Do Now (1-15-14) Look over your annotations (specifically the !, ?, ?? Marks). Write out two things to share with the class. They can be parts you were confused about (??), parts you want to discuss (?) or parts you loved (!) Then skip a space and write what you think Kings’ central or main idea is.
Success Today Means You develop your understanding of Kings main idea/The Central Focus of this letter by completing Step 3 & 4 of your packet today.
English 10 Do Now (1-16) In one to two sentences, write out what you think is the main idea of MLK’s letter. Think about the passages we looked at in Step 3, use that content to help mold your response.
Success Today Means 1-16 You work collaboratively with an elbow partner to review Step 3. You use the red pen provided to take notes next to your original responses or to correct your responses. Red=participation points so make sure you mark.
English 10 DO NOW 1-17-14 What are the four steps of a nonviolent campaign? Which part/paragraph/quote from the letter did you like best and why?
1-17-14 Notes Ethos- appealing to authority or expert credibility Pathos- appealing to emotions Logos- appealing to logic, making sense Imagery: visually descriptive or figurative language Tone- the author’s attitude about a topic discovered through word and detail choice.
Post Quiz Turn in Parent Email (if you haven’t yet) and stapled Do Nows to US MAILBOX. See Wysocki to get assigned an “element” of MLK’s rhetoric. Then take a yellow marker/highlighter and annotate your letter looking for examples of your specific element. Calling parents on Tuesday if no Email Address