Taiga or Coniferous Forest Russia, Canada, Alaska, Northern United States Description: Evergreen Forest, Cold temperatures, Mountains
Weather -65 to 30 °F Precipitation: 40 inches per year, mostly snow Weather patterns Rain, snow, cold Only 2 seasons
Plants Black spruce Balsam Fir Douglas Fir Black Pine White spruce
Plant Adaptations Needles stay green all year Survive cold climate Waxy needles Grow close together Thick bark and sap to prevent burning in wildfires
Animals Bald eagle Black bear Fox Wolverine Gray wolf Insects Lynx Snow shoe rabbit Moose Elk Siberian Tiger
Animal Adaptations Fur Hibernation Burrowing Nest on cliffs Large feet to walk in snow White fur or feathers to blend in
Humans and Biodiversity Humans do live in the taiga: Coldest inhabited place on Earth Biodiversity rating is about a 3
Abiotic Factors Cold temperatures Snow and rain Wildfires Storms
Food Chain Plants Snowshoe hare Lynx
Other Interesting Facts World’s largest biome Taiga is Russian for “forest” Prone to forest fires from lightning storms