Feb. 27th – Mar. 3rd Spring Break This Week in 2A… Language Arts: How-to Informational writing; text connections – The Lorax Fundations – Unit 7- long vowels & open syllable words Math: addition and subtraction with regrouping Science: sound energy Social Studies: Black History Month projects. Have a terrific weekend! Next Week’s Schedule Mon. 3-20-17: Day 5 - Library Tues. 3-21-17 Day 6: Music Wed. 3-22-17: Day 1 – Library & World Languages Thurs. 3-23-17: Day2 – World Languages & Swimming Fri. 3-24-17: Day 3: Gym & Music Spring Break NO SCHOOL next week March 13th-17th. Enjoy your spring break. Safe travels to some! Upcoming Events March 13th – 17th – NO SCHOOL. Spring Break! March 31st – End of the 3rd Quarter April 5th – First Communion Meeting with Father George. 6:30pm Campus School Library Homework Just a reminder that your child’s reflection journal is the only nightly homework they get (other than practice for reading and math). Please have them write at least 5 times a week, using the questions at the front of the book and the ones provided by me as a guide.